Transaction: ba5cba3e3f766ec29e52e19c4b3d38db4cd99927

Included in block 5,170,988 at 2016/09/21 19:10:54 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id ba5cba3e3f766ec29e52e19c4b3d38db4cd99927
ref_block_num 58,292
ref_block_prefix 892,149,839
transaction_num 5
signatures 1f0409e6fcbff82181b2d551c505815332b39ab681040ec672cd7f0ecf4033ce690f9a11bdb4d69038ef98b23842ccb06378320371c3dd50df27e9d7425b645998
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hmfic",<br>"author":"twofogs",<br>"permlink":"twofogs-is-born",<br>"title":"twofogs is born",<br>"body":"Quite honestly,<br> my username stemmed from a rather racist discussion I had with coworkers in the construction industry around a decade ago. Like most other jobs,<br> when you work in close quarters with several others,<br> the quality of the conversation generally declines as the well of new and exciting information to discuss dries out. It was in one of these intellectual droughts that one of my coworkers gave me the \"Indian name\" (Native American name) of Walking Eagle. But why Walking Eagle?\n\n\"Because you're too full of shit to fly,<br>\" my coworker answered.\n\nOh. But what does that have to do with twofogs? Logically,<br> the conversation then flowed into the fascinating realm of Native American names - of which none of us actually knew anything about except for what we all might have been able to infer from such reputable sources as Disney's *Pocahontas*. I can't remember who suggested the Native American name of Two Dogs Fucking but I'll go ahead and take credit for it...and I have. I literally used to use the username of twodogsfucking until most of my accounts were banned due to the blatant vulgarity in the username. For days I pondered a new username. Yeah,<br> right,<br> let's be honest in that I had most of my accounts back up and running in minutes if not hours under the new and improved username of twofogsducking. This name still received an LOL or two but it was cryptic enough to slip past any sort of censorship.\n\nAnd as with any relationship,<br> as time goes on the sex just isn't as good as it used to be. As for my relationship with the username twofogsducking,<br> I have quit the ducking altogether and simply go by twofogs.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"hmfic\" "
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