Transaction: b76a690433ce4dd96e02dfd312a96dc7444e7840

Included in block 35,178,019 at 2019/08/01 17:22:30 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id b76a690433ce4dd96e02dfd312a96dc7444e7840
ref_block_num 50,698
ref_block_prefix 2,760,042,322
transaction_num 32
signatures 1f01a85c151f1759bd0e02d106c7ba9798dfcac1471a19dcfce3d7f5cd99103bed77b4c2cedcbe6c8dbce43ff59a41d07a614f670db39627365d3c068ced86ccec
"parent_author":"nanzo-scoop",<br>"parent_permlink":"forget-crypto-ratings-the-best-tech-doesn-t-always-win",<br>"author":"raj808",<br>"permlink":"raj808-re-nanzo-scoop-forget-crypto-ratings-the-best-tech-doesn-t-always-win-20190731t205407255z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Absolutely,<br> betamax is something I remember. Watching my favourite film when I was 8 years old 'the labarynth' over and over again. Until,<br> no one stocked any of the videos for that technology.\n\nWe still have our betamax video player in the attic at my mum's house... with a box of videos that I get out and watch now and again. It's important to recognise that even though the technology became redundant,<br> you can still use it if you want. Scart lead,<br> 4:3 ratio on the TV... and I'm watching labarynth' or 'time bandits' on the same sofa I did 30 years ago \ud83d\ude42\n\nWho knows what blockchain I'll be accessing in 30 years,<br> with the same feeling of nostalgia and grainy screen time \ud83d\ude09",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\":\"partiko\",<br>\"client\":\"android\" "
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