Transaction: b6dc7b70dcfe9c03827fbd8202ca2e191b16c223

Included in block 18,406,362 at 2017/12/25 21:56:09 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id b6dc7b70dcfe9c03827fbd8202ca2e191b16c223
ref_block_num 56,258
ref_block_prefix 4,292,524,519
transaction_num 12
signatures 1f211770a5fb4f989a8998ed638ad44584e362d8d44ca63de1a755679da2bc40fc55d0d67bd5f68fbabe94d11dd8d2798af6b69dfaf52b0e2148fa020e08d2a7e5
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"busy",<br>"author":"raull",<br>"permlink":"parrot",<br>"title":"parrot",<br>"body":"![akhiijoel-20171223-0001.jpg (https:\/\/\/hpiynhbhq\/image\/upload\/v1514033011\/tj5jyd2s6owpkmqhzy7i.jpg)\nOlder siblings are one of a kind of ornamental bird that has beautiful fur color as well as a shrill voice that is very loud. Characteristics that can be seen from the old sister bird is a crown or crest that is on the top of the head with bright yellow with varied shapes. Older siblings have a crooked beak so often also called the parrot bengkok. While the shape of the elder sister's legs crossed together and 2 fingers pointed forward and 2 other fingers pointed back so that older siblings more easily grip or climb something. For older bird species also varies greatly like old yellow-crested brothers,<br> elder brother gofini,<br> older brother Maluku,<br> older brother of the king and so forth. Like other birds,<br> the benefits of elder birds are also quite diverse and some of them are as follows.\n\nAs Animal Attraction\n\nAn elder brother becomes one of the most famous bird species with high intelligence. Therefore,<br> many people often train these older siblings to be used as an animal attraction in an entertainment or show.\n\nCan Be Trained\n\nThe benefits of pigeon that is a type of trained bird is also owned by the older sister bird. An elderly bird that has a shrill voice can also be trained to make a human voice when it has been practiced since childhood. With the uniqueness of this one,<br> making the elder bird becomes an animal that is often maintained by many people.\n\nAs an entertainment\n\nOld birds that have been tame will be a separate entertainment for the owner because this bird is a very smart bird species that can melt the atmosphere becomes warmer.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"links\":[ ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/hpiynhbhq\/image\/upload\/v1514033011\/tj5jyd2s6owpkmqhzy7i.jpg\" ,<br>\"tags\":[\"busy\",<br>\"animals\",<br>\"germani\",<br>\"steemit\",<br>\"photography\" ,<br>\"app\":\"esteem\/1.5.0\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown+html\",<br>\"community\":\"esteem\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.