operations |
comment | "parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-148441",<br>"author":"ejmh",<br>"permlink":"splinterlands-new-improvements-splinterlands-nuevas-mejoras",<br>"title":"SPLINTERLANDS: NEW IMPROVEMENTS \/\/ SPLINTERLANDS: NUEVAS MEJORAS",<br>"body":"<center>\n![news.jpg (https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQmYPzFJVMFutMqRAyL9fAiC6v9L8X96FYZXqZkwTeJTDLb\/news.jpg)\n<br>[_Fuente_ (https:\/\/splinterlands.com\/) Editada en PowerPoint<\/center>\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\">\n\nHola,<br> amigos de splinterlands,<br> los creadores del juego nos han regalado una hermosa actualizaci\u00f3n de diferentes caracter\u00edsticas del mismo,<br> las cuales puedes leer en su [PUBLICACI\u00d3N OFICIAL (https:\/\/steemit.com\/splinterlands\/@splinterlands\/splinterlands-updates),<br> pero a continuaci\u00f3n les muestro los cambios en la apariencia que me han gustado.\n\n>Hi,<br> friends of splinterlands,<br> the creators of the game have given us a beautiful update of different features of the game,<br> which you can read in their [OFFICIAL PUBLICATION (https:\/\/steemit.com\/splinterlands\/@splinterlands\/splinterlands-updates),<br> but below I show you the changes in the look that I liked.\n<\/div>\n\n<center>![image.png (https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQmfLPxPpvRGb2HzxpWcQaeiJjfqAmaYgdTqiM1pLHKLjRq\/image.png)<\/center>\n\n\n<div class=\"pull-left\">\n\n<center>\n![image.png (https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQmVwuDTncwMwLeCKgK3LhYUXrt33R85e1tYSxcfdxKm8N6\/image.png)\n<br>[_FUENTE_ (https:\/\/splinterlands.com\/)<\/center>\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\">Continuamos con los avatares,<br> son un conjunto de personajes que podemos seleccionar para que sea mostrado,<br> y ademas para diferenciarnos de los dem\u00e1s,<br> tal como dije anteriormente se trata de una nueva forma de inclusi\u00f3n para los jugadores que no manejen blog puedan colocar sus im\u00e1genes de perfil.\n\n> We continue with the avatars,<br> they are a set of characters that we can select to be shown,<br> and also to differentiate us from the others,<br> as I said before this is a new form of inclusion for players who do not handle blog can place their profile images.\n<\/div>\n\n<center>\n![image.png (https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQma6gaJVRvyPN61tcKYxRCXFTHtXrZXVts7yBQPGTJjNsM\/image.png)\n<br>[_FUENTE_ (https:\/\/splinterlands.com\/)<\/center>\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\">Coloco estos 2 monstruos en especifico porque a mi criterio y tambi\u00e9n al de muchas personas que he visto en comentarios,<br> son los mas beneficiados por la nueva regla de aumento de vida,<br> ya que ser\u00e1n aun mejores de lo que ya son al usarlos con esta regla. Obtendr\u00e1n un nivel muy alto de vida y sera muy dif\u00edcil vencerlos.\n\n>I place these 2 monsters specifically because in my opinion and also in the opinion of many people I have seen in comments,<br> they are the ones who will benefit the most from the new life enhancement rule,<br> since they will be even better than they already are when used with this rule. They will get a very high standard of living and it will be very difficult to beat them.\n<\/div>\n\n\n<\/div>\n\n<div class=\"pull-right\">\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\">Empezaremos por la inclusi\u00f3n del perfil,<br> para as\u00ed poder observar las estad\u00edsticas y editar lo que se muestra. Esta es una muy buena forma de no tener que mostrar la imagen que tenemos en nuestro blog y tambi\u00e9n para las personas que solo juegan poder colocar su avatar.\n\n> We will start by including the profile,<br> so we can observe the statistics and edit what is shown. This is a very good way of not having to show the image we have on our blog and also for people who only play to be able to place their avatar.\n\n<\/div>\n\n<center>\n![image.png (https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQmcFw8HwJu1emwSvvg7qGmfXaV9vwcmJZ6npyjfe3v95rq\/image.png)\n<br>[_FUENTE_ (https:\/\/splinterlands.com\/)<\/center>\n\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\">Las 2 nuevas reglas,<br> todos los monstruos obtienen la habilidad de knock out y la salud de todos los monstruos es igual a la del monstruo con mayor vida en cualquier equipo. Son reglas que definitivamente nos pondran a cambiar nuestra estrategia en cualquier oportunidad que nos aparezcan.\n\n> The 2 new rules,<br> all monsters get the knock-out ability and the health of all monsters is equal to the longest living monster on any team. These are rules that will definitely make us change our strategy in any opportunity that comes up.\n\n<\/div>\n\n<center>\n![image.png (https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQmc9NLDP2D9jzAuYWaMnWEaRrUytWyXZkV2tGKotzd3xux\/image.png)\n<br>[_FUENTE_ (https:\/\/splinterlands.com\/)<\/center>\n\n\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n#\n\n\n<center>![image.png (https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQmfLPxPpvRGb2HzxpWcQaeiJjfqAmaYgdTqiM1pLHKLjRq\/image.png)<\/center>\n\n\n<center>\n![image.png (https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQmVkhXKPRW51Em6xZ2syDGoQZbRN6fq5FTdGFwMdxG1aJ9\/image.png)\n<br>[_Fuente_ (https:\/\/splinterlands.com\/) <\/center>\n\n<center>![image.png (https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQmfLPxPpvRGb2HzxpWcQaeiJjfqAmaYgdTqiM1pLHKLjRq\/image.png)<\/center>\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\">\n\nAdemas han realizado cambios en la forma como se ven las pantallas antes y despu\u00e9s de cada batalla,<br> para mejorar la manera en que lo vemos,<br> colocando las reglas,<br> monstruos,<br> la cantidad de recompensa recibida por el triunfador y los puntos que ganan o pierden cada uno en la clasificaci\u00f3n total.\nTambi\u00e9n han anunciado que est\u00e1n trabajando en otras nuevas mejoras que todos estamos esperando.\n>They have also made changes to the way the screens look before and after each battle,<br> to improve the way we see it,<br> by placing the rules,<br> monsters,<br> the amount of reward received by the winner and the points each wins or loses in the total ranking. \nThey have also announced that they are working on other new improvements that we are all waiting for.\n\n\n<\/div>\n\n<center>![image.png (https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQmfLPxPpvRGb2HzxpWcQaeiJjfqAmaYgdTqiM1pLHKLjRq\/image.png)<\/center>\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\">\n\n**PARA MI,<br> TODOS LOS CAMBIOS HAN SIDO GENIALES,<br> TANTO EN APARIENCIA COMO EN LAS REGLAS Y CADA UNO DE LOS DETALLES QUE HAN SUMADO PARA HACER EL JUEGO AUN MAS INTERESANTE Y ENTRETENIDO,<br> POR AHORA ES TODO POR ESTA PUBLICACI\u00d3N ESPERANDO QUE LES GUSTE.**\n\n\n>FOR ME,<br> ALL THE CHANGES HAVE BEEN GREAT,<br> BOTH IN APPEARANCE AND IN THE RULES AND EVERY SINGLE DETAIL THAT HAS ADDED TO MAKE THE GAME EVEN MORE INTERESTING AND ENTERTAINING,<br> FOR NOW IT'S ALL FOR THIS PUBLICATION HOPING YOU LIKE IT.\n\n<\/div>\n\n\n<center>Traducci\u00f3n realizada en [DELP (https:\/\/www.deepl.com\/es\/translator).<\/center>\n\n<div class=\"text-justify\">\n\n<center>![image.png (https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQmb2vZc6oVPi3NMdkpbRGC51khfig9xAUXVCZegRAtNwgk\/image.png)<\/center>\n\n<\/div>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"splinterlands\",<br>\"gems\",<br>\"cervantes\",<br>\"spt\",<br>\"vzla\",<br>\"ocd\",<br>\"neoxian\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQmYPzFJVMFutMqRAyL9fAiC6v9L8X96FYZXqZkwTeJTDLb\/news.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQmfLPxPpvRGb2HzxpWcQaeiJjfqAmaYgdTqiM1pLHKLjRq\/image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQmVwuDTncwMwLeCKgK3LhYUXrt33R85e1tYSxcfdxKm8N6\/image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQma6gaJVRvyPN61tcKYxRCXFTHtXrZXVts7yBQPGTJjNsM\/image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQmcFw8HwJu1emwSvvg7qGmfXaV9vwcmJZ6npyjfe3v95rq\/image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQmc9NLDP2D9jzAuYWaMnWEaRrUytWyXZkV2tGKotzd3xux\/image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQmVkhXKPRW51Em6xZ2syDGoQZbRN6fq5FTdGFwMdxG1aJ9\/image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/images.hive.blog\/DQmb2vZc6oVPi3NMdkpbRGC51khfig9xAUXVCZegRAtNwgk\/image.png\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/splinterlands.com\/\",<br>\"https:\/\/steemit.com\/splinterlands\/@splinterlands\/splinterlands-updates\",<br>\"https:\/\/www.deepl.com\/es\/translator\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" " |