Transaction: b62ce3bd2e0ae2d11e223bb2117fe2050b6404a0

Included in block 36,464,408 at 2019/09/16 06:25:30 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id b62ce3bd2e0ae2d11e223bb2117fe2050b6404a0
ref_block_num 26,368
ref_block_prefix 1,687,713,184
transaction_num 14
signatures 20014140ecd4d94211d33bcad1740cea4d9946988bd45b377b881a4416209cc73b591f6cbef0f9f03c32da494d46e5a3c226adcb0782ca223848bf3ff58d6cf895
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"upbot",<br>"author":"djimirji",<br>"permlink":"cashback-n345",<br>"title":"CashBack N345",<br>"body":"![ (https:\/\/\/2f\/2f7ee4a518.jpeg)\nHi. \n\n**All STEEM and SBD received for this post will be shared among upvoters after payout**\n\nThe amount of compensation depends on the strength of your upvote. \nThe reward for the post is distributed in proportion to the strength of upvote.\nPayments less than 0.001 are excluded from distribution.\n\n**When do I get cashback?**\nWhen the situation normalizes \u0441ashback posts will be published daily. \u0421ashback is made the next day after payment for post.\n| post | payment |\n| ---- | ---- |\n|CashBack N1 | CashBack N9 |\n|CashBack N2 | CashBack N10 |\n|CashBack N3 | CashBack N11 |\n|CashBack N(K) | CashBack N(K+8) |\n\nWith a Hardfork 20 we have \u201cexpensive parameter\u201d - the Resource Credits,<br> and now the stabilization and correction of the work of the bot for voting and ratings is going on.\n\n**I apologize to all who can not answer your comments,<br> every comment takes a lot of Resource Credits. I will try to answer your questions in posts.**\nYou can follow the activity here https:\/\/\/@djimirji\n\nTo raise the mood will be published random photos from the site\n> ![ (https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2019\/09\/Screen-Shot-2019-09-12-at-5.14.20-PM-1-1024x766.jpg)\nPapa decided to take a nap during his 60th anniversary party,<br> but happened to do so right when we were going to take pictures. We couldn&#8217;t wait any longer,<br> and we couldn&#8217;t leave him out,<br> so we included him the best we could.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"upbot\",<br>\"djimirji\",<br>\"cashback\",<br>\"upvoteback\" ,<br>\"app\":\"djimirji CashBack bot\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.