Transaction: b4a12a6471c045de78c934ac2828d2b1e37d2931

Included in block 42,547,533 at 2020/04/15 08:43:57 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id b4a12a6471c045de78c934ac2828d2b1e37d2931
ref_block_num 14,649
ref_block_prefix 2,291,227,175
transaction_num 14
signatures 1f60c3d124a7772aa4e92261c4301d4d45c925ca4d0648b81311daab6b1cb16f2d206814a1b196e811d1dd05a0480f84c2bb3197ddd193483091f0f3e34353a5a9
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-148441",<br>"author":"oppongk",<br>"permlink":"progressing-vs-retrogressing-our-life-balancing-or-or-what-remedy-and-preparedness-in-life",<br>"title":"Progressing vs Retrogressing,<br> Our Life Balancing|| What Remedy & Preparedness in Life?",<br>"body":"![work-life-balance-624x623.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmUaQdDLtjuCrVgQkVJhGzECkyuJKNma6oT9JAKExCaXHG\/work-life-balance-624x623.jpg)\n<center>[source (http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2016\/05\/work-life-balance.jpg)<\/center>\nHello lovely Steems funs around!\n\nLet's dive into another interesting chapter in life that must occur whether we are expecting it or not. Progressing and Retrogressing are the two opposite words that we shall face in life. They are subject to propelling our lives to lose or win. But why do we complain why we definitly know that there are to opposite reactions we must prepare for: pleasant time and unpleasant time. Life can retrograde and can also upgraded to the next level of improvent. They elements subject to ensure balancing in life so that we can model our lives to suit the great changes we are to face in future. Progressing is the is receiving improvement in life,<br> whiles retrogressing is returning to an latter state in life,<br> even worse one. The most interesting and the difficult for one to accept is that,<br> one can progress and finally be at retrogressing state. \n\n\n\nSo,<br> what matters most in life is the point at which one will experience retrogressing,<br> the ability to balance it with progressing; the effort that can be made for one to recover from retrogress. In this case,<br> the age counts,<br> for instance when the person is aged,<br> say around sixty years and above while that age is the retirement period for those public servants and even private institutions. The person finds it difficult to make amendment,<br> or reverse to progress again. However,<br> when the fellow is young and decline in life,<br> after chopping and tasting progresses in life,<br> he can quickly fight hard and make effort to balance it in life. But,<br> this is my general opinion and analogy I'm making per age wise,<br> it's base on any feasibility studies,<br> I hope to be judemental of the the two; that's young age and old age,<br> the young aged person have more chance of surving through retrogressing than the old aged person who has exhausted all his effort at his youthful age. At some point one can't escape from meeting even little retrogress life can't be the same and upward progress through out,<br> the curve line in life of retrogress has to by all means drawn in your life,<br> and as how and when it happens we must be prepared and find remedy.\n\n\n![v4-460px-Make-Progress-in-Your-Life-Step-3-Version-2.jpg.jpeg (https:\/\/\/DQmWyTYX3UPUqv3TWMmzUsGAYnVvPZRJNSSdDMzD3zKe4sL\/v4-460px-Make-Progress-in-Your-Life-Step-3-Version-2.jpg.jpeg)\n<center>[source (https:\/\/\/Make-Progress-in-Your-Life#\/Image:Make-Progress-in-Your-Life-Step-3-Version-2.jpg)<\/center>\n***What remedy & and preparedness are we to face the balancing of progress & retrogress in life?***\nThe question that is always asked; is there a particular fixed point at one's life time that he will decline in life? This is certainly no!,<br> since life isn't static or stagnant; it's dynamic or keeps changing. The experiences I have learnt from most business men & entrepreneurs are that one must fail at one point in life before he learn from his mistake that led him to fail in order to better it & improve in the next level. Comprehending that our quest for life changes is sometimes tortuous help us live even when failures come. If you consult most of these entrepreneurs who have ever experienced serious retrogress and now enjoying progress in life they will tell you that there is no remedy than *\"our continuous learning from one step to another and diverse strategies.\"* What helps us to recover and succeed from failures are out frequent learning,<br> findings and consulting. We must always propel in life about what led to the retrogresses,<br> what are the major factors behind it,<br> what actually went wrong in life. The continuous effort and pushing can help us to find remedy to retrogresses. We must of course balance retrogresses with progresses in order to make life meaningful and better of living. Our determination and continuous effort,<br> focus can help us to over what we don't want in life. Our continuous researching,<br> finding solutions,<br> asking how,<br> what,<br> where & when questions help us to get answers to what we always want. \n\n\n![o1AJ9qDyyJNSpZWhUgGYc3MngFqoAMzGBxiYftAp8XLRX6oaE.jpeg (https:\/\/\/DQmZCFBjtAqedkw9SXcdMNUUCN4EhWbP3H9DEhLrfMEAqSz\/o1AJ9qDyyJNSpZWhUgGYc3MngFqoAMzGBxiYftAp8XLRX6oaE.jpeg)\n<center>[source (https:\/\/\/search?sxsrf=ALeKk01VPO6vfU1-zqvCKC9P2ar0sGVX4Q:1586939816634&q=image+of+a+beautiful+blockchain&tbm=isch&source=univ&fir=XRLgoqUVLa80CM%253A%252CfNGK8M9gXAZkRM%252C_%253B10h3gXJoEDfDlM%253A%252CZF9zZUW25zW0uM%252C_%253BjuOBothtF1XBeM%253A%252Cn64ijHrM4EwmoM%252C_%253BOqWoCxn011ZdDM%253A%252CS7r0VP3f7zasBM%252C_%253BTnj9F4l_gVu6SM%253A%252Cn64ijHrM4EwmoM%252C_%253BLUoP87eJn5QLpM%253A%252CfNGK8M9gXAZkRM%252C_%253B5ig6D5hfWIId-M%253A%252CDugDKeFwRQCosM%252C_%253BkpT4t-HEjhYE8M%253A%252CDugDKeFwRQCosM%252C_%253BiU_5n7lyvn523M%253A%252Cw9swmyUmvGprDM%252C_%253B4ku5NN4296Bz6M%253A%252C204Rr6li4uqAaM%252C_%257Cblockchain%2520technology%253Bwallpaper%253Bcryptocurrency%253Bblock%2520chain%253Bstock%2520photos%253Bcrypto&usg=AI4_-kSBi3w2V-7i1TDPo3uS7IJ5mQo6fA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjSjbPAg-roAhV1DWMBHeVTCZMQ7Al6BAgGEAI&biw=320&bih=488&dpr=1.5#)<\/center>\n\n![quGMLzLQ-communities.png (https:\/\/\/DQmbtHDT2VsNASraW6VXiQ68UAQCUdgLDMFKTJBiJvHivZ2\/quGMLzLQ-communities.png)\n\nWe could understand how internet,<br> date,<br> networking,<br> social marketing and social media platform is gaining ground recently and continues to be trending and progressing in the cyber World. It didn't happen like magic or came by surprise,<br> but the gradual and continuous efforting,<br> searching,<br> probing,<br> pushing and failing,<br> yet I think the Developers didn't give up to create this amazing Hi tech. Now,<br> social media ia great wave length for making money and hosting masses of users; with the blockchaim like *steem* being the other segment helping many people with tokens and freedom of life. That's obviously a great move of technology,<br> harnessing World with technical knowledge to improve people's lives for better. I really know that there are more to come,<br> where there would be another level of progresses in lives. We live to show up our best by balancing the situation",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"steemit\",<br>\"evolution\",<br>\"promo-steem\",<br>\"lifestyle\",<br>\"investment\",<br>\"mindset\",<br>\"communitynews\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmUaQdDLtjuCrVgQkVJhGzECkyuJKNma6oT9JAKExCaXHG\/work-life-balance-624x623.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmWyTYX3UPUqv3TWMmzUsGAYnVvPZRJNSSdDMzD3zKe4sL\/v4-460px-Make-Progress-in-Your-Life-Step-3-Version-2.jpg.jpeg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmZCFBjtAqedkw9SXcdMNUUCN4EhWbP3H9DEhLrfMEAqSz\/o1AJ9qDyyJNSpZWhUgGYc3MngFqoAMzGBxiYftAp8XLRX6oaE.jpeg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmbtHDT2VsNASraW6VXiQ68UAQCUdgLDMFKTJBiJvHivZ2\/quGMLzLQ-communities.png\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2016\/05\/work-life-balance.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/Make-Progress-in-Your-Life#\/Image:Make-Progress-in-Your-Life-Step-3-Version-2.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/search?sxsrf=ALeKk01VPO6vfU1-zqvCKC9P2ar0sGVX4Q:1586939816634&q=image+of+a+beautiful+blockchain&tbm=isch&source=univ&fir=XRLgoqUVLa80CM%253A%252CfNGK8M9gXAZkRM%252C_%253B10h3gXJoEDfDlM%253A%252CZF9zZUW25zW0uM%252C_%253BjuOBothtF1XBeM%253A%252Cn64ijHrM4EwmoM%252C_%253BOqWoCxn011ZdDM%253A%252CS7r0VP3f7zasBM%252C_%253BTnj9F4l_gVu6SM%253A%252Cn64ijHrM4EwmoM%252C_%253BLUoP87eJn5QLpM%253A%252CfNGK8M9gXAZkRM%252C_%253B5ig6D5hfWIId-M%253A%252CDugDKeFwRQCosM%252C_%253BkpT4t-HEjhYE8M%253A%252CDugDKeFwRQCosM%252C_%253BiU_5n7lyvn523M%253A%252Cw9swmyUmvGprDM%252C_%253B4ku5NN4296Bz6M%253A%252C204Rr6li4uqAaM%252C_%257Cblockchain%2520technology%253Bwallpaper%253Bcryptocurrency%253Bblock%2520chain%253Bstock%2520photos%253Bcrypto&usg=AI4_-kSBi3w2V-7i1TDPo3uS7IJ5mQo6fA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjSjbPAg-roAhV1DWMBHeVTCZMQ7Al6BAgGEAI&biw=320&bih=488&dpr=1.5#\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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