Transaction: b46a12e82fb3c6e5601f13a6f2f91b65cebc1df7

Included in block 12,898,109 at 2017/06/17 11:12:24 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id b46a12e82fb3c6e5601f13a6f2f91b65cebc1df7
ref_block_num 53,048
ref_block_prefix 2,041,876,297
transaction_num 2
signatures 202dd45e714b1ae7a952d516ba0873648974646fd8e1986c4fb2cd4d9f6ac0989902783cb528fd25c91cbf0330ee81ad512607bea3aacd0b1f7f8996248784a6c1
"parent_author":"kristina89",<br>"parent_permlink":"re-tensorflow-re-kristina89-are-you-beach-body-ready-media-stop-body-shaming-us-20170617t095559156z",<br>"author":"tensorflow",<br>"permlink":"re-kristina89-re-tensorflow-re-kristina89-are-you-beach-body-ready-media-stop-body-shaming-us-20170617t111219798z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Don't pretend you know what I felt. Once I was fat and not fat in meaning wide and big,<br> but relatively small yet round and unproportionate body,<br> I hated myself,<br> no one wanted to stay around,<br> I never was invited to anything,<br> and of course no girl ever wanted to have me as a company,<br> I missed everything in my teen age,<br> everything which would make me up as a person,<br> a man,<br> instead I got myself locked up and hardly talked to people,<br> even after all these years I still have problem speaking with people,<br> I still feel depression's leftovers when I'm being alone at home. And I hated media showing perfect male body,<br> asking \"you ready for the summer?\",<br> shit,<br> years passed I did put hard work on that yet I'm not a nearly that handsome as media taught I must be every fucking year!!",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"life\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
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