Transaction: b347a96eed052bb39731259f643b64e92297fc1a

Included in block 20,699,597 at 2018/03/15 14:53:36 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id b347a96eed052bb39731259f643b64e92297fc1a
ref_block_num 55,736
ref_block_prefix 385,000,124
transaction_num 27
signatures 1f2b1fa915fc324d5db60b65c8b4526b49a1f666a741cf159bdb963f2ec65408363abb45f0629c0e27599b086851ce7279750fcba8d5b461d3ad8f24c09dc899d2
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"storytelling-mentorship-group-writers-should-also-read",<br>"author":"rebeccabe",<br>"permlink":"re-michellegent-storytelling-mentorship-group-writers-should-also-read-20180315t145324779z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Wow! You write a wonderful review,<br> why am I surprised? I am not talking about the book you reviewed. I am talking about how well you wrote the review. The bar is set high. \n\nI read non fiction,<br> I enjoy it so much. \nPart of why flow with fiction is tough...need to read fiction so I read yours.\nRight now I am reading: \n1. Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert (fear because I am writing fiction lol)\n2. A Movable Feast by Ernest Hemingway (should have been through set is aside when starting the Big Magic book I just bought)\n3. 1000 Best and Quick and easy organizing secrets (did a post on this one)\n4. The Power of Imagination by Neville (I've read it before)\n\nI like to keep more than one book going sort of like changing channels.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"story-mentor\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
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