Transaction: b301a6596b670ac84ae9650d166e161bf8d09fe0

Included in block 12,898,009 at 2017/06/17 11:07:24 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id b301a6596b670ac84ae9650d166e161bf8d09fe0
ref_block_num 52,949
ref_block_prefix 2,908,883,286
transaction_num 16
signatures 1f436865e9aefccd91f629de5698803179033657d17add09116c77955b96c28e2f3701d779b7413ba2bb0238b9d7f3e7c73b5dc27ba31960bdaaf30838270e8873
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"steemit",<br>"author":"adeyemi",<br>"permlink":"avoid-short-cuts-you-might-get-cut-short-by-steemcleaners",<br>"title":"\"AVOID SHORT CUTS,<br> YOU MIGHT GET CUT SHORT BY STEEMCLEANERS\"",<br>"body":"<html>\n<h1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;AVOID BEING LABELLED A PLAGIARISM ON STEEMIT... &nbsp;<\/h1>\n<h3>&nbsp;INTRODUCTION&nbsp;<\/h3>\n<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hello,<br> am @adeyemi I joined steemit about 8days ago and since when I joined I haven\u2019t being able to go a day without checking out posts which I found interesting and truly worth it\u2026 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I came on steemit through a video post by JERRY BANFIELD on YouTube while I was busy suffering the net looking out for new\/profitable coins wallets and tricks to earning online and how I can increase my bitcoin strength,<br> but luckily for me I only watched the first 20 mins of his over one hour long video on how he believe steemit will outgrow bitcoin and how it\u2019s worth will hit the roof in the crypto-currency world\u2026 &nbsp;&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Well I really can\u2019t say he was right or wrong but I had to give it a try and see for myself,<br> so I jumped on the site and registered within few minutes I was done... After a couple of days I got an email from steemit that my account is live and I can begin posting and earning,<br> it felt really good to finally be on steemit because I actually thought I won\u2019t be approved when I didn\u2019t get anything back from steemit the very day I registered\u2026 But what I didn\u2019t know was that I don\u2019t have all the full information I need about steemit to begin with,<br> remember I didn\u2019t finish the video post by JERRY BANFIELD,<br> guess if I had taken more time to watch the video and look out for more tips I might not have being a perpetrator of breaking one of the basic rules on steemit which was PLAGIARISM.<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>\u201cYes plagiarism,<br> it\u2019s the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.\u201d<\/em>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<h3>ENCOUNTER&nbsp;<\/h3>\n<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This got to happen all because I never got to read or see any indication to know that wasn\u2019t allowed on the site since the idea I got was that steemit is a blogging tool that you earn steemcoin if your post are being upvoted and liked,<br> Well my thoughts were too shallow and dumb in the end,<br> but I won\u2019t say it was totally because I went on several profile and found out lots of user on steemit have earned over a quarter of a million steem-dollar and I wonder how someone could have earned so much and posted so much in just a little time,<br> not if they are actually reproducing posts from corporate news sites like CNN,<br> BBC,<br> EURO NEWS and other news site including blogs post from other writers\u2026 Well I actually went on to peer at a few posts from users on steemit and I also found some to be from one news site on the other mostly post about TECH,<br> BITCOIN and BUSINESS\u2026 So I was shocked when I got a reply from @cheetah on one of my post saying she had upvoted my post but she also found similar post on the web,<br> which a link was provided by her to prove her claims which was totally right but I didn\u2019t really care because I don\u2019t know what that actually means as long as I earn some points,<br> so I went on with posting articles from new sites but not word for words,<br> I took the time to edit and change some contents and words but @cheetah knew were the post was from anyway but I kept on pushing in a race to earn more steem-power in the process...<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;After a few post and I wasn\u2019t earn much like I had thought I would,<br> so I took to an idea that came to mind to go on @cheetah page to see what her post content was like,<br> I did and was surprise with what I found,<br> @cheetah was actually a BOT that was created by @anyx and manged by him,<br> so I asked myself is that legal to have a BOT on steemit that have actually accumulated lots of point and earned more than I can ever imagine\u2026<\/p>\n<p><em>NOTE: Hope you still remember that I was sanctioned to have broken one of steemit rules of not allowing plagiarism on the site which that sanction was communicated to me through @steemcleaners which I believe was also run by the same person that runs @chetaah,<br> Well I know you should be wondering why I would come to that conclusion well I will explain\u2026<\/em> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;I wasn\u2019t earning more that 0.41$ on steemit I decided to look for way to improve that,<br> so I decided on to check @anyx post too,<br> since I noticed most of his post get lots of upvotes and earn so much and also @chetaah,<br> it was then I found a post where @anyx made it known he is the creator of @chetaah,<br> to see how she performs but she performed more than expectation and was left to keep up the good work,<br> so I felt if someone can create a BOT that have earned this much on steemit then I can as well do just that to burst my account,<br> But I never knew I was embarking on a mission that will get me into HOT WATERS because @anyx was actually a moderator \u201cOtherwise known as WITHNESS,<br> for those of you users who doesn\u2019t know what that means click on it to take you to an article written by steemit about it\u201d &nbsp;on steemit who I believe in my own words is misleading and encouraging users like me who doesn\u2019t really understand the concert and mission of steemit which I think is very bad for user and I have seen all sorts of post from user who were actually affected by this like me who have called out @anyx on steemit have experience a huge DOWN VOTE which amount to their account being worthless and to be honest I don\u2019t think that\u2019s actually nice.<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I would say I was mislead by @anyx also by one of his post on steemit where he mentioned how he prefer using python when writing the programs for @cheetah BOT account which I found interesting and also made me want to know more about how he created her so I added him on his KEYBASE user account and had the privilege of having a pretty short but eye opening chat with him,<br> here is what he said,<br>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/oylbyCpnktxLIne4tbayWqg_F1YSDluF0oxBsLR2rFwKvO7ncbUL2e3V2lgo2gAaiy7z_peZ0J-8Pb2xiNA-y7OX3_BLWJtDhVuIpeAicruVUv_-L3lioodyxCFgTXPAp6hnGfgTcQ6TblANmkHnEAHnWdKmRAwkZSQHoxIa9zGdhCbSS7hBpbOlH-G6jJ-GKn0fWPFYpJFCFC85XqRm5zeQdyeZS0EvV73cnNF0FncwrsV1dswPsv-kw-b_Loacj0OdJOkVkixn2SfWhZIOXj-CrfgB-KegTtfkBk2hKtLcV9LplHvFlQt2GuR-JsSFpZrJ4o-Tmv8Xx0Z3_N20G7EENOwGDJA9Y1pANNlXd5rZ7Lp0XeI5gLoHi5EjcvBqZXupplqWTSKPP1lOop2XQKmJ5U8z4QvKMYk2904aXo-oqx-nHJqCw4vmFjkIcorFMctA8RMYbdEwqEw6nzWQhsKbJJzTpYhHmBjUBfh4ElnIbFWaT6X8XgClHPmA4GvDntVStEzsH9T6_qQO-01sWn-40SDanq2lYr-RFBL5aIbscXSVBN4iCFYiaabmSenTmcgryh0z8ipX4Akuj2edUjNMlb9sFXCCzAbcYeSwOPU3YG1_KTa6sGRJcZ7yqK8QpE9-qgNV5B1zVwfny4dTvy5Ozvjo0gfAH-A64HaR2DfiubVD-wo=w1366-h648-l75-ft\" width=\"365\" height=\"648\"\/><\/p>\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/EHcjnbABEX3EkD9ASmcC746LKmFd5_pxTYOAUyQXMFp7Hbw8rCVSCr4geO-aDC_eVPHnzIdDmS_kHeJS9At6_BqRXR7l1cC4Z0UZjk2FWGce4z0dYU7RubaqALIMnUrrDQYJHXfFeqogH6qDf0E_krb68fcJcBZju0uLoPPQCl_sgFGdC11170Y1QKllKGYs9O1edlE1DdMcz-DNkaHUI3r3g6BpME_FU1lHEw_RNZuyUwj3bJ8XsqNQ5YCmcJvNs-fTIPOFC_UU7nplOElk1JWlKhDYqwv52DRfuOYMbkRdQGltSeNE6PQQOrzW1YM-yxsmIhh3zxZMBemcZr9v2pkrEhw3DxlI7nEY58NM9hzU8p-EOa-DI3Udk9EV1u4m_i3EBpYBw_I8oBs-YokU5WyB3nBln_N5qMLLsrkNsfP5LLDu_LR7Rn3v2Fg9o5ed3XRmR9ajlwOIyhjhn7sWnHpkOYB2uEwTU7ByNfoNU7eXSHnxTFhVMTMHt-x8IQ2kBCx1AAl_w-fCPTClVu4OU26XRp-0POsoV_YVe-4MXdBy3JwjcYh7UXqJmhYSemVwgYcLih1knLVa-G7jdXAWdcIzVj4XKrCwPzeLbTDPF5JJnYg1jSIBAVPLicYrwQ3mzDnr1q1H6_Qn3IuXRd2Weq1leRunLwW3Poe3dwr7eOd1MgcIGHw=w1366-h648-l75-ft\" width=\"365\" height=\"648\"\/><\/p>\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/C83ogrBYzxJfsv5FmW1a9zsr1KhOpMwRWwXLO8FCqZBWHyncelu80thjP5cpsq1pS2ktQF9lEDu82a171N_6mP50XjyKzKSjUBhEWBLSauWDPXF60Grfxl6YyfkEA3pmnYXMqw0bttfc5ByjICE4_m3isV8WdM5qy8kbbIj3NqiNGD8IZyXOLRZO1jsCKrtYaT1tQE-kTyUyuy7NLKgbAIqnQVr4Cq3sviR3gksAB7kRTWpQYhzhj6hijnYpk4E52aE5kVYkJJuVM7fe1tU4_thiQ_UUP0RAz9zRTDj-wYTWcx2XfBv4uV7AFmfaXeTZGOTfMppd9KcmuI5eLmAd0UmFQszdAJFv4HZrkhGtfc2bWg5BVoFhfJiLCu6O7iAKl-7TSUlbQuaCWuGu2NlXuraxKfATQai6lcJudBia1sj-chOXVOIy9cyRvRJWzMF2cDfHym36oMIeITqalIpgviKwDxbHzXfE3VUqd1T6nqQprstjuSBPgVY6_YsEyfII2g_RrDSmtzI54TKk_M9ams1vR4uPkUDYrDjydQLVJSPKLuQEyjuN_ffMVi5KLVxaHvT2dV470ATLvna07_qtHAf9jIds7dSoJktPg5-xlC1swrL8SvPMlYmrALchoBgc37toqQogTVtSeIYAD5ngkdFp5L0YJkOr7qQk3K2r6fRkydQ=w1366-h648-l75-ft\" width=\"365\" height=\"648\"\/><\/p>\n<pre><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>In this chat you can see he actually acknowledge when I mention the word python.. Python is a programming language tool which make programming and coding really easy.<\/em><\/code><\/pre>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;And in our chat he made mention of steem piston so I went on my page to search for the word which took me to different article and post,<br> so I explored my search result,<br> it was in this process I was taken to a site called <a href=\"http:\/\/\/\"><\/a> where it was said you can register and your post would be broadcast to users who are on the site to upvote your post,<br> which I found to be cheating ,<br> it was at this point I finally concluded I have been wrong with all my intent all along and regret considering doing all this in the first place,<br> well I didn\u2019t pull through with paying for sign up because I wasn\u2019t sure if I actually wanted to going on with it and be a total cheat or just take what I get from my honest and creative work\u2026 But to my greatest surprise I started getting commenting from @steemcleaner after I filled out the registration page on <a href=\"http:\/\/\/\"><\/a> which I found surprising even without verifying my registration,<br> then I decided to carefully look at the comments and I found out I was breaking a major law on steemit\u2026<\/p>\n<h3>&nbsp;&nbsp;OBSERVATIONS &nbsp;<\/h3>\n<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;What I learnt in the short period of joining steemit was that most of the new users were not actually aware of these rules and the so called WITHNESS are taking advantage of that\u2026 We all know 90% of individuals don\u2019t read the terms of agreement when getting a product or applying for a service most of the times\u2026 And I also don\u2019t think I found any terms of service on my page when I registered. I feel the steemit technical team should please do a more better job in bringing awareness and also the moderator should also not see down-voting users as a way of showing they are active but let user know what is allowed and what isn\u2019t..<\/p>\n<h3>&nbsp;&nbsp;CONCLUSION&nbsp;<\/h3>\n<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Am glad I was able to figure out on time what @chetaah was doing but it was rather late,<br> but I hope this won\u2019t affect my new post since I have noticed a huge down fall in my earning in the last 3days,<br> my earning have been pulled down and I honestly feel it\u2019s because of the comments from @steemcleaners on one of my post\u2026 But I hope this won\u2019t continue to hurt my works,<br> so I can continue and start being more creative on steemit\u2026 And also at @anyx I feel you should pls let people know the basics and help them grown not bring them down,<br> not trying to be judgmental but I feel you have been on here long enough to have earned the position of a moderator,<br> so please help other grow,<br> Thanks.<\/p>\n<h3>&nbsp;&nbsp;HAVE A LOVELY WEEKEND<\/h3>\n<h3>&nbsp;\"AVOID SHORT CUTS,<br> YOU MIGHT GET CUT SHORT BY STEEMIT\"<\/h3>\n<p><em>Written by @adeyemi&nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<\/html>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"steemit\",<br>\"steem\",<br>\"plagiarism\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"adeyemi\",<br>\"cheetah\",<br>\"anyx\",<br>\"steemcleaners\",<br>\"chetaah\",<br>\"steemcleaner\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/oylbyCpnktxLIne4tbayWqg_F1YSDluF0oxBsLR2rFwKvO7ncbUL2e3V2lgo2gAaiy7z_peZ0J-8Pb2xiNA-y7OX3_BLWJtDhVuIpeAicruVUv_-L3lioodyxCFgTXPAp6hnGfgTcQ6TblANmkHnEAHnWdKmRAwkZSQHoxIa9zGdhCbSS7hBpbOlH-G6jJ-GKn0fWPFYpJFCFC85XqRm5zeQdyeZS0EvV73cnNF0FncwrsV1dswPsv-kw-b_Loacj0OdJOkVkixn2SfWhZIOXj-CrfgB-KegTtfkBk2hKtLcV9LplHvFlQt2GuR-JsSFpZrJ4o-Tmv8Xx0Z3_N20G7EENOwGDJA9Y1pANNlXd5rZ7Lp0XeI5gLoHi5EjcvBqZXupplqWTSKPP1lOop2XQKmJ5U8z4QvKMYk2904aXo-oqx-nHJqCw4vmFjkIcorFMctA8RMYbdEwqEw6nzWQhsKbJJzTpYhHmBjUBfh4ElnIbFWaT6X8XgClHPmA4GvDntVStEzsH9T6_qQO-01sWn-40SDanq2lYr-RFBL5aIbscXSVBN4iCFYiaabmSenTmcgryh0z8ipX4Akuj2edUjNMlb9sFXCCzAbcYeSwOPU3YG1_KTa6sGRJcZ7yqK8QpE9-qgNV5B1zVwfny4dTvy5Ozvjo0gfAH-A64HaR2DfiubVD-wo=w1366-h648-l75-ft\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/EHcjnbABEX3EkD9ASmcC746LKmFd5_pxTYOAUyQXMFp7Hbw8rCVSCr4geO-aDC_eVPHnzIdDmS_kHeJS9At6_BqRXR7l1cC4Z0UZjk2FWGce4z0dYU7RubaqALIMnUrrDQYJHXfFeqogH6qDf0E_krb68fcJcBZju0uLoPPQCl_sgFGdC11170Y1QKllKGYs9O1edlE1DdMcz-DNkaHUI3r3g6BpME_FU1lHEw_RNZuyUwj3bJ8XsqNQ5YCmcJvNs-fTIPOFC_UU7nplOElk1JWlKhDYqwv52DRfuOYMbkRdQGltSeNE6PQQOrzW1YM-yxsmIhh3zxZMBemcZr9v2pkrEhw3DxlI7nEY58NM9hzU8p-EOa-DI3Udk9EV1u4m_i3EBpYBw_I8oBs-YokU5WyB3nBln_N5qMLLsrkNsfP5LLDu_LR7Rn3v2Fg9o5ed3XRmR9ajlwOIyhjhn7sWnHpkOYB2uEwTU7ByNfoNU7eXSHnxTFhVMTMHt-x8IQ2kBCx1AAl_w-fCPTClVu4OU26XRp-0POsoV_YVe-4MXdBy3JwjcYh7UXqJmhYSemVwgYcLih1knLVa-G7jdXAWdcIzVj4XKrCwPzeLbTDPF5JJnYg1jSIBAVPLicYrwQ3mzDnr1q1H6_Qn3IuXRd2Weq1leRunLwW3Poe3dwr7eOd1MgcIGHw=w1366-h648-l75-ft\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/C83ogrBYzxJfsv5FmW1a9zsr1KhOpMwRWwXLO8FCqZBWHyncelu80thjP5cpsq1pS2ktQF9lEDu82a171N_6mP50XjyKzKSjUBhEWBLSauWDPXF60Grfxl6YyfkEA3pmnYXMqw0bttfc5ByjICE4_m3isV8WdM5qy8kbbIj3NqiNGD8IZyXOLRZO1jsCKrtYaT1tQE-kTyUyuy7NLKgbAIqnQVr4Cq3sviR3gksAB7kRTWpQYhzhj6hijnYpk4E52aE5kVYkJJuVM7fe1tU4_thiQ_UUP0RAz9zRTDj-wYTWcx2XfBv4uV7AFmfaXeTZGOTfMppd9KcmuI5eLmAd0UmFQszdAJFv4HZrkhGtfc2bWg5BVoFhfJiLCu6O7iAKl-7TSUlbQuaCWuGu2NlXuraxKfATQai6lcJudBia1sj-chOXVOIy9cyRvRJWzMF2cDfHym36oMIeITqalIpgviKwDxbHzXfE3VUqd1T6nqQprstjuSBPgVY6_YsEyfII2g_RrDSmtzI54TKk_M9ams1vR4uPkUDYrDjydQLVJSPKLuQEyjuN_ffMVi5KLVxaHvT2dV470ATLvna07_qtHAf9jIds7dSoJktPg5-xlC1swrL8SvPMlYmrALchoBgc37toqQogTVtSeIYAD5ngkdFp5L0YJkOr7qQk3K2r6fRkydQ=w1366-h648-l75-ft\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"http:\/\/\/\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"html\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.