Transaction: b069656beefa6a016938d78042cbe69e5e08e929

Included in block 42,554,717 at 2020/04/15 14:51:33 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id b069656beefa6a016938d78042cbe69e5e08e929
ref_block_num 21,848
ref_block_prefix 3,749,809,064
transaction_num 10
signatures 1f5a75244893f0ca96ac09d74a9f09f97e4a36523543c7cb50f050bece8c3379d32ff3cc358d8c83c793af0a76bbcac5d3e7583796232809fb9f563c8ea6e528e1
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"games",<br>"author":"izzetemredemir",<br>"permlink":"free-game--indiegala-game-pixel-hentai-mosaic",<br>"title":"Free Game : [IndieGala (Game) Pixel Hentai Mosaic",<br>"body":" Hi ,<br> This post is for sharing free games. I always share free game news on Steam,<br> Epic Games or Origin etc. You can increase number of games on your Steam library. If there are games which you have never play ,<br> you can use Steam Idle Master for collect Steam cards. These cards can be tradable in Steam market. \n ![ (https:\/\/\/ipfs\/Qmddb1n6oy8Z1T4Zw2LuTfXBjgKEdekVBmZWEsQihWScbs) \n Free Game : [IndieGala (Game) Pixel Hentai Mosaic \n https:\/\/\/game\/324 \n My Website : https:\/\/\/ x \n For more free games : You can follow me . Free Steam ,<br> Humblebundle,<br> Epicgames ,<br> Origin ,<br> Indiegala games \n Discord Bot (If there is game-deals text channel send message there else send message to general text channel ) : https:\/\/\/oauth2\/authorize?client_id=593826875323842590&scope=bot&permissions=2048 \n My Twitter https:\/\/\/freegameonsteam \n Telegram Channel : https:\/\/\/freegameson \n Mastodon : @[email protected]",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\": [\"games\",<br> \"gameplay\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.