Transaction: aa7a06388a45b7cba33115fa85312f0fc73c7eab

Included in block 35,177,864 at 2019/08/01 17:14:39 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id aa7a06388a45b7cba33115fa85312f0fc73c7eab
ref_block_num 50,546
ref_block_prefix 2,788,208,684
transaction_num 5
signatures 1f33dddefb81d87e50be0f89e1e6f16550f1c5fea0cfaa7bdd675d6c37a4797e5e258b3cea3c45f1eeeaa5f2c76abfe5737d24b857b14d32a03575c60f1ce6b6eb
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"ntopaz",<br>"author":"littleboys-faiz",<br>"permlink":"ntopaz--littleboys-faiz--58352969--ntopaz-drawing-ocd-resteem-steemzzang-art--2019-07-26-00-12-06--artwork--none",<br>"title":"Draw A Rose In My Imagination",<br>"body":"![ntopaz-image-0 (https:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/media\/c7f5f2d4-3e9b-49c0-8034-a2b271a64bd9)![ntopaz-image-1 (https:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/media\/dc8aac30-2846-4b12-8553-864aea01b943)#### Hello Guys!\nThis time I'm not in a contest initiated by [@Ntopaz (https:\/\/\/@Ntopaz),<br> which has the theme \"VIDEO TUTORIALS\". I don't have enough reasons to participate. because I saved the tutorial when drawing a flower on a notebook. so I tried to present my artwork in \"normal\". and I will come back again after preparing a new tutorial that I will join in the [@Ntopaz (https:\/\/\/@Ntopaz) contest. for this time let me show my imagination to a flower.\n\n---\n\n---\n\n#### All my friends,<br> as usual in every work that I show,<br> to support what I offer. I will show some step by step for this work of art.\n\n_1._ The first is a sketch that I draw using a simple pencil on a sheet of my notebook.\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQma5eQZBj1gt4CxYG8XZenRuKkqVDLS49kdtJjGSesd3cF\/IMG_20190708_142300.jpg)\n\n_2._ Then I try to draw the lines again to make them look dark and thick.\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmV98SCLa5Gm4qofNyE9gGybTxqPNLoowSAaCnGGjmxuyJ\/IMG_20190709_152919.jpg)\n\n_3._ After finishing with the sketch,<br> I start coloring it. for the initial color I chose only from colored pencils.\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmSTyskYcqDUimzYup2hqVV1p574KxdyBxDehSC7obyS6F\/IMG_20190709_164641.jpg)\n\n_4._ When I color the picture of this flower,<br> my imagination increasingly plays to give unusual colors. in this step I chose pink,<br> green and yellow. I'm sure this is not the right color for the original flower.\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmbPhcvtmUhwTSstr38RXz53Gj6K6GVgZDGWu7Xfbt29Gz\/IMG_20190710_120211.jpg)\n\n_5._ And in the last step,<br> I again improvise in color. here I started mixing colors from pencils with watercolor colors. and I added several colors like orange and red. also added some blackish stripes. for additional colors I choose using \"Joyko Highlighter\".\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmNw9Y8YuqjJ6DQSrJVTSgzzfqZy6aQYtxhUquu2MXknXg\/IMG_20190722_095017.jpg)\n\n---\n\nThank you to all friends and the [@ntopaz (https:\/\/\/@ntopaz) platform for all your Attention.\n\nHave a great activity..\n\nGreetings: [@littleboys-faiz (https:\/\/\/@littleboys-faiz)\n\n**_(Image has copyright protected)_**",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"ntopaz\",<br>\"art\",<br>\"drawing\",<br>\"watercolor\",<br>\"zzan\",<br>\"palnet\",<br>\"actnearn\",<br>\"ccc\",<br>\"mediaofficials\",<br>\"creativity\",<br>\"partiko\" ,<br>\"app\":\"partiko\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.