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comment | "parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"videogames",<br>"author":"gsus",<br>"permlink":"steemit-game-reviews-doom-2016",<br>"title":"Steemit Game Reviews: DOOM (2016)",<br>"body":"https:\/\/cdn1.vox-cdn.com\/thumbor\/uNTWSm0cDbCdTfv93ajN5SBAxd0=\/0x0:1600x900\/1280x720\/cdn0.vox-cdn.com\/uploads\/chorus_image\/image\/48988427\/doom_alt_boxart.0.0.jpg\n\nGameplay: 10\/10\n\nDOOM stands to be easily one of the most fun games to play,<br> in all of history. Yeah,<br> seriously. Fast paced,<br> tones of weapons,<br> an insane amount of weapon mods and upgrades for those weapon mods,<br> perfect variety of enemies,<br> epic Glory Kills (seriously,<br> how could someone dislike twisting an enemy's leg around to shove their own boot into their fucking mouth? Or tearing them in half slowly with your bare hands? You can't,<br> it's just simply _bad-ass_.\nhttp:\/\/orig00.deviantart.net\/f027\/f\/2016\/135\/e\/4\/doom_melee_berserk_execution_head_split_by_digi_matrix-da2lbrp.gif\n\nSound: 10\/10\n\nI'm honestly not sure where to start with how awesome the sound design is in this game. The music just gets you in the mood to tear ass,<br> and the sounds of bones crunching together and skin tearing apart just gives you the audible feedback that you desire. Even the squeaking dolls sound fucking great.\n\nLil' fist bumb,<br> squeaky mini DOOM bro.\nhttps:\/\/dvsgaming.org\/wp-content\/uploads\/2016\/05\/doomfistbump.gif\n\nStory: 9\/10\n\nI had to remove a _single_ point because I know it's lacking just a little bit. A lot of people might not even realize there's a story here honestly because of the way the game plays. At the start of the game,<br> instead of listening to some mission briefing,<br> DOOM guy goes 'Fuck that' (visually speaking,<br> of course.) and smashes the fucking monitor out of his way.\nhttp:\/\/i.giphy.com\/jQt2Zs7IBuzwk.gif\nYeah,<br> seriously.\n\nHowever,<br> if you actually pay attention to the story by picking up trinkets,<br> and what's actually going on you get a pretty fleshed out bad-ass plot that I refuse to spoil. \n\nContent: 8.5\/10 (This takes into account all content in the game,<br> including MP and anything else)\n\nHowever much I love DOOM,<br> I cannot say that _everything_ is near perfect. The only thing saving the 'content' category is SnapMap (which is dope as hell),<br> as the multiplayer just doesn't stack up. Yeah,<br> it's a fun little side mode that you can play for a bit,<br> but it gets boring _really_ quickly,<br> especially if you're a veteran DOOM player,<br> as many people playing this game's multiplayer haven't played a DOOM game before...Or that's what it feels like anyway. With such a lack of multiplayer content,<br> honestly the 'Content' section would be closer to a 6,<br> maybe a 6.5,<br> but because SnapMap exists,<br> for what feels like to solely fix the Multiplayer issues which honestly I can't put a finger on exactly what's wrong,<br> I'll be honest. It just feels..._off_. Maybe not fast enough,<br> maybe the maps are too large,<br> I'm honestly not sure. However,<br> it's an 8.5.\n\nhttp:\/\/gameranx.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2016\/03\/DOOM_Clan-Arena_730x411.gif\n\nBonus: FUCKING,<br> _CHAINSAW_.\nhttp:\/\/45.media.tumblr.com\/081e819b83408989e91f5114841f2bae\/tumblr_nq7hnctT4o1u9werno2_500.gif\nhttps:\/\/1.bp.blogspot.com\/-xpFbn8Cr32w\/V3KSHBYoMEI\/AAAAAAAAAgE\/zDMd93Eeogg5Ogv-c3GVgkDAa24oDUI3ACLcB\/s1600\/DOOM-09.gif\n\nFinal Verdict: 9.5\/10\n\nA near perfect game,<br> that's lacking in the multiplayer section. In 100% seriousness,<br> if they released the game without the multiplayer,<br> but with Single Player and SnapMap,<br> I believe that this would receive a solid 10\/10 from me. I'm largely a huge Multiplayer fan,<br> so playing this multiplayer,<br> it kind of felt like a blemish on the title itself. Now,<br> I'm not saying it can't be fun,<br> but it just doesn't pull me in like most multiplayer games do.\n\nGo buy DOOM (2016),<br> it's fucking awesome.\nhttps:\/\/33.media.tumblr.com\/a8ed5ca144ec9c26c146138cae63a8b6\/tumblr_nq911phJxb1tg07vxo1_500.gif\n\nThat's it for this review,<br> and I'll see you..._IN HELL_.\nhttp:\/\/i.imgur.com\/AJ6TEaV.gif",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"videogames\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/cdn1.vox-cdn.com\/thumbor\/uNTWSm0cDbCdTfv93ajN5SBAxd0=\/0x0:1600x900\/1280x720\/cdn0.vox-cdn.com\/uploads\/chorus_image\/image\/48988427\/doom_alt_boxart.0.0.jpg\" " | vote | "voter":"gsus", "author":"gsus", "permlink":"steemit-game-reviews-doom-2016", "weight":10000 |