Transaction: a8a5214e9183ee9d09df0909395fc90ab0a846ae

Included in block 7,076,432 at 2016/11/27 00:53:21 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id a8a5214e9183ee9d09df0909395fc90ab0a846ae
ref_block_num 63,832
ref_block_prefix 2,352,939,334
transaction_num 4
signatures 201fcf0d4e64d2876689bd728a3e685537cfc19a187729c333cb5628793a121d4c26011e49e640e1f471d83daa1e23b8140abc0a5a0de6654746cc9b3112f6f45a
"parent_author":"sweetsssj",<br>"parent_permlink":"miss-opinionated-men-are-from-mars-women-from-venus-1",<br>"author":"builderofcastles",<br>"permlink":"re-sweetsssj-miss-opinionated-men-are-from-mars-women-from-venus-1-20161127t004432984z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Men and women think differently. I know the feminist like to say that we are all the same except for the patriarchal training we receive when young,<br> but this isn't so.\n\nMen look at each individual word and put them in a string to convey meaning.\nWomen look at the harmony of the string and choose words to match. The communication is in the medium.\nIf you try to explain that to either sex,<br> you typically get blank stares. They both assume they know what words mean.\n\nMen are concerned about the physical. Is the house going to stand in a storm.\nWomen are concerned with the emotional. Does this house say welcome?\nTo a man,<br> the feeling of the house is a distant secondary concern. To a women the house falling down is only a concern when the house falls down. (else they will just hang a picture over that crack)\n\nThat we do no teach these differences in school to aid in communication is beyond me.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"funny\" "
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