Transaction: a6e87a45989bb9fc5f834c12135d212819bd9bc4

Included in block 41,818,522 at 2020/03/20 13:48:30 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id a6e87a45989bb9fc5f834c12135d212819bd9bc4
ref_block_num 6,552
ref_block_prefix 4,272,910,697
transaction_num 10
signatures 1f0783b9f21b184cff9cca708f99bb30696754687ec26fe8a958c8a3af2076ca2624f83f19f76a2b4f4a964c67c731e034438e4d12b9ae48cf0d7271bbd13876f1
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-116221",<br>"author":"rogeragosti",<br>"permlink":"indian-state-promises-compensation-to-workers-hit-by-coronavirus-india-news-al-jazeera",<br>"title":"Indian state promises compensation to workers hit by coronavirus | India News | Al Jazeera",<br>"body":"<center><img src='https:\/\/\/mritems\/Images\/2020\/3\/19\/ba6677ee14c24f21ad6c390fb8831322_18.jpg' alt='STEEM POSTS' \/><\/center> \n\n#####\n\n <p>Millions of poor Indians may receive cash compensation for income lost due to coronavirus,<br> as officials in northern Uttar Pradesh (UP) state start&nbsp;counting the number of qualifying citizens on WednesdayUP - the most populous state with a population of 200 million and one of the poorest in India - became the first to announce on Tuesday that it would make online payments to poor and daily wage workers if they lost work because of the global pandemic that has caused chaos worldwide and badly affected economic activities.<\/p> \n\n#####\n\n <br><center><a href='https:\/\/\/post\/@rogeragosti\/indian-state-promises-compensation-to-workers-hit-by-coronavirus-india-news-al-jazeera'>Shared On DLIKE<\/a><hr><br><a href='https:\/\/\/'><img src='https:\/\/\/images\/dlike-logo.jpg'><\/a><\/center>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"community\": \"dlike\",<br> \"app\": \"dlike\/3\",<br> \"format\": \"html\",<br> \"image\": \"https:\/\/\/mritems\/Images\/2020\/3\/19\/ba6677ee14c24f21ad6c390fb8831322_18.jpg\",<br> \"url\": \"https:\/\/\/news\/2020\/03\/indian-state-promises-compensation-workers-hit-coronavirus-200319042121426.html\",<br> \"body\": \"<p>Millions of poor Indians may receive cash compensation for income lost due to coronavirus,<br> as officials in northern Uttar Pradesh (UP) state start&nbsp;counting the number of qualifying citizens on WednesdayUP - the most populous state with a population of 200 million and one of the poorest in India - became the first to announce on Tuesday that it would make online payments to poor and daily wage workers if they lost work because of the global pandemic that has caused chaos worldwide and badly affected economic activities.<\/p>\",<br> \"type\": \"share\",<br> \"category\": \"News\",<br> \"tags\": [\"hive-116221\",<br> \"dlike\",<br> \"actnearn\",<br> \"neoxian\",<br> \"virus\" "
"max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 SBD",
"beneficiaries":[ "account":"dlike",
"weight":1100 ,
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.