Transaction: a60892e38c0f9f09e5cbbcf3dbe3f3d45b70a4af

Included in block 14,672,338 at 2017/08/18 04:26:21 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id a60892e38c0f9f09e5cbbcf3dbe3f3d45b70a4af
ref_block_num 57,805
ref_block_prefix 4,198,284,572
transaction_num 3
signatures 1f3313f1cfc8a77ddf05e3f63331a7f2a39803e8d29c328a7bdfa0de371066d5e95b70befa203d00fd4779821683a4031e1fbb33704192a24bc74007792b583af9
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"road",<br>"author":"simonjones",<br>"permlink":"10-point-road-trip-safety-checklist",<br>"title":"10-Point Road Trip Safety Checklist",<br>"body":"To be certain you have the safest possible road trip this summer,<br> consider the following 10-point road trip safety checklist.\n\n1. Pack a few cans of tire fix-a-flat.\n2. Bring a box with an assortment of tools to make repairs.\n3. Pack a roll of duct tape for emergencies.\n4. Keep a gallon of engine coolant on board for when the engine overheats.\n5. Bring a tire gauge and check all the tires each time you get gas.\n6. Fill washer fluid and have new wipers installed.\n7. Have the oil changed in the engine.\n8. Pack some road flares to alert drivers you may need some help on the side of the road.\n9. Keep at least one flashlight with new batteries in the car.\n10. Bring an empty gas can with you on the long road trip.\n\nBefore you go,<br> come to the service center for a pre-road-trip check-up for your vehicle.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"road\",<br>\"trip\",<br>\"safety\",<br>\"car\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.