Transaction: a5ae3149db0136978692a452ded80e236569e813

Included in block 68,574,320 at 2022/10/15 16:24:30 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id a5ae3149db0136978692a452ded80e236569e813
ref_block_num 23,645
ref_block_prefix 671,554,860
transaction_num 3
signatures 1f1f8c7a881947414f843192b7ad5ed0cbba72c67c74e11f4594bba838bcfe4ce96478374c4228140a2a1cd05f2caa5de697654b7ad84e2da5ba52e30c24094003
"parent_author":"sadiaafrojj",<br>"parent_permlink":"steemit-engagement-challenge-s5-w1-laughter-is-the-best-medicine",<br>"author":"irawandedy",<br>"permlink":"rjsz1f",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"| <div class =\"phishy\">Verification Date <\/div>| <div class =\"phishy\">October 15,<br> 2022<\/div>\n|---|---\n| O'clock | 23.30 WIB\n| Get Upvote | 9\n| Valid Comments from Other Users | 0\n\n| Description | Information | Score\n| --- | --- | ---\n| Plagiarism Free | \u2705 | 1\n| #steemexlusive | \u2705 | 1\n| Bot Free | \u2705 | 1\n| Verified User | \u2705 | 1\n| Markdown Style | | 1.25\n| Quality Content | | 3.25\n| <b>Total Score<\/b> | | <b>8,<br>5\/10<\/b>\n| Club Status Verification Period | | Agustust 15 to October 15,<br> 2022\n|Transfer to Vesting | | <b>18.216 STEEM<\/b>\n| Cash Out | | <b><div class =\"phishy\">0 STEEM<\/div><\/b>\n| Result | | <b>club75<\/b> |\n| Voting CSI | | <sub>6.6 ( 0.00 % self,<br> 70 upvotes,<br> 25 accounts,<br> last 7d )<\/sub>\n\n<sup>Determination of Club Status refers to the https:\/\/\/transfer-search Web-based Application<\/sup>\n\n| Note | <div class = \"text-justify\">Thank you! have participated in the Steemit engagement challenge contest in Steem For Better Life Community,<br> hopefully through the steemit engagement challenge we can continue to build a good relationship,<br> from now on and in the future,<br> good luck<\/div>\n| --- | ---\n\n<div class =\"text-justify\">\n<sup>We invite you to support @pennsif.witness for growth across the whole platform through robust communication at all levels and targeted high yield developments with the resources available.<\/sup>\n<center><a href='ttps:\/\/\/sign\/account-witness-vote?witness=pennsif.witness&approve=1'><img src='https:\/\/\/DQmP4o5nhYwt3fDCupJwWhXCChU1tXEE4VmqVizhUtYjhWw\/pennsif.witness.gif'><sup>Click Here <\/sup><\/a><\/center>\n<\/div>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"steemexlusive\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"pennsif.witness\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmP4o5nhYwt3fDCupJwWhXCChU1tXEE4VmqVizhUtYjhWw\/pennsif.witness.gif\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/transfer-search\",<br>\"ttps:\/\/\/sign\/account-witness-vote?witness=pennsif.witness&approve=1\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.