Transaction: a554bc040de2b9585f59acd73ed1e10b900f9e38

Included in block 38,944,221 at 2019/12/11 13:01:09 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id a554bc040de2b9585f59acd73ed1e10b900f9e38
ref_block_num 15,815
ref_block_prefix 3,665,274,189
transaction_num 36
signatures 203683181d0913674c1e23fb325ca4a680540f23597d0d9a2c7d7de963d65cceac458226a9a68a73a438b0a140299be7c64c7ac0378fc203d466b3c38bc77df4c6
"parent_author":"lordbutterfly",<br>"parent_permlink":"gods-unchained-the-right-game-built-on-the-wrong-blockchain",<br>"author":"ucukertz",<br>"permlink":"re-lordbutterfly-q2cms8",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"This. THIS!\nI'm still completely baffled with the wasted potential of GU. Like,<br> when building and testing the market they gotta have tested the experience of using it,<br> right? How does waiting up to more than half an hour feels good or makes sense at all? And that's combined with tx fees.\nI recently need to use bitcoin for some reason. Waiting more than 40 minutes for transaction confirmation feels like hell. It reminds me how much i take for granted the speed of this chain.\n\n<sup><sup><sup>#sbi-skip<\/sup>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"steem\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steempeak\/2.2.6\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.