Transaction: a343f843886257edcaca6a1c3ab7c0f8aa1eeff7

Included in block 5,187,604 at 2016/09/22 09:02:18 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id a343f843886257edcaca6a1c3ab7c0f8aa1eeff7
ref_block_num 10,217
ref_block_prefix 1,588,774,162
transaction_num 3
signatures 1f603a0dc00704ce0311ab388f11dcecbeaf2cb8cab8b5e35255ded20f4d5beadf71263de5a6e162549a211ea35179b04158df4f1054c2de3f32c0e6b8d7893606
"parent_author":"doitvoluntarily",<br>"parent_permlink":"being-jealous-over-the-success-of-others",<br>"author":"ballinconscious",<br>"permlink":"re-doitvoluntarily-being-jealous-over-the-success-of-others-20160922t090211136z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"This is very true. Another negative about being jelousy or making bad judgments about people is because *then you are potential judging your future self*. Are minds do not see separation and much as we consciously think we do,<br> therefore are subconscious judge the conditions more than the actual person.\n\nWhen we make a negative judgment against a successful person (rich,<br> famous,<br> talented,<br> etc.) we are doing one of two things:\n**1** *If we do become \"successful\",<br> then we must personally face our own judgment and hypocritical aspects of ourselves that we cast off onto others for having the same experience.*\nOr \n**2** *If we do not become \"successful\",<br> then our judgments toward those who are very well could be part of the cause of that; It's take a lot of energy to resist oneself. Embrace & support that which we want to see within ourselves. Then when we star to become that we have the best type of support a person can have* ***their self***\n\n***Find the gift that you passionately want to share with your fellow man and that is when\/how we ,<br> as humans,<br>will expand the most.***",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"philosophy\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.