Transaction: a174d0665b8cb2ef8eb34935791bc4c7a5ac9035

Included in block 89,119,570 at 2024/10/02 05:20:45 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id a174d0665b8cb2ef8eb34935791bc4c7a5ac9035
ref_block_num 56,127
ref_block_prefix 2,980,983,752
transaction_num 1
signatures 205e5bf9d4f4928a6f0a3da05f44d42bab5c231921a52928373f438471537946883ddb0e09d888658740061c973751e132aa87fe57ec7161ff635f32af00b8e4ca
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-145157",<br>"author":"fackrurrazi",<br>"permlink":"group-photo-of-lati-ducks-and-their-young-looking-for-food",<br>"title":"Group photo of Lati ducks and their young looking for food",<br>"body":"Hi everyone.\nHow are you today,<br> I hope everyone is in good health and whatever we do today can run smoothly. In this post I will share some pictures of lati ducks playing with their children. The lati ducklings are so cute,<br> I want to hold and play with them. But there is a mother,<br> I don't dare to hold the lati ducklings. I'm afraid that if I hold the mother lati duck,<br> it will peck me. Because lati ducks giving birth are very fierce if someone disturbs their children. So for that reason I don't dare to touch the lati ducklings. But I have taken some pictures of the baby and mother lati ducklings while they were playing together while looking for food. Okay friends,<br> now I will show you the pictures.<hr>\n![1727734973093.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmexUQGdaYphsbbngcD4Vs1Zhy91NsrFJEZSCEeci8KedM\/1727734973093.jpg)<hr>\n![1727735014602.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmXDvXYTcB4k43jemZiL5gCP8wHx6o5iirABSiAd5EkKJ9\/1727735014602.jpg)<hr>\n![1727734999072.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmVPSoQjisyVgh6rhB7wr3oEforxKfZ8djcRoFV3WMjHoC\/1727734999072.jpg)<hr>\n![1727735035871.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQme9mAF7b5oZGWxPBXzKC5MGWfmhuDVpXpY1sy8g9HEukQ\/1727735035871.jpg)<hr>\n\nTake a look at the mother lati-lati duck,<br> it looks very beautiful,<br> from the neck to the head it is white. While her child is no less beautiful than her mother,<br> its feathers are yellow and black. Its tiny posture makes the lati ducklings even more charming. In the front yard of this house they look for ant eggs,<br> crickets to eat.\u00a0 Lati ducks also like to eat young grass leaves,<br> but they only eat selected grass. So that's the photography of lati ducks that I captured today,<br> hopefully my friends like it. Thank you and see you again.\u00a0 Good luck to all of us.\n\nRegards\n\n@fackrurrazi",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"animals\",<br>\"photography\",<br>\"ducks\",<br>\"krsuccess\",<br>\"blog\",<br>\"steemit\",<br>\"story\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"fackrurrazi\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmexUQGdaYphsbbngcD4Vs1Zhy91NsrFJEZSCEeci8KedM\/1727734973093.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmXDvXYTcB4k43jemZiL5gCP8wHx6o5iirABSiAd5EkKJ9\/1727735014602.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmVPSoQjisyVgh6rhB7wr3oEforxKfZ8djcRoFV3WMjHoC\/1727734999072.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQme9mAF7b5oZGWxPBXzKC5MGWfmhuDVpXpY1sy8g9HEukQ\/1727735035871.jpg\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.