operations |
comment | "parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"dtube",<br>"author":"scottcbusiness",<br>"permlink":"0j8hxndta9n",<br>"title":"The Comprehensive Blockchain Social Crypto Holdings Breakdown | EP#208",<br>"body":"<center><a href='https:\/\/d.tube\/#!\/v\/scottcbusiness\/0j8hxndta9n'><img src='https:\/\/snap1.d.tube\/ipfs\/Qmf25utc8kwn6654uEHtCNj95Rq1HrW8bvrjuDnXQexXU4'><\/a><\/center><hr>\n\nhttps:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ggFBadzAqq8\n\nHave you wondered who is holding the majority of circulating tokens or cryptocurrency for a blockchain social platform or how they\u2019re distributed? Today we are going to dive into each major platform and do a comprehensive breakdown with the information we have available to us.\n\nI also want to point out this has nothing to do with wanting to correct wealth inequality,<br> but rather to point out which platforms have the least\/most centralized distribution and or holding of wealth and which platforms have the most equal opportunity to earn. This is absolutely not about supporting equal outcome,<br> but rather to inform,<br> share,<br> and summarize the information publicly available to us all aside from the few inquiries I made to confirm various things. What\u2019s actually more important on social applications is social inequality. Where you can assert your power over someone else to influence them in some way.\n\nThis is meant to expand upon my previous post on this that goes into lesser detail on the wealth inequality on a few platforms which you can check out below:\nSteemit: https:\/\/steemit.com\/dtube\/@scottcbusiness\/ghc622ybiim\nPublish0x: https:\/\/www.publish0x.com\/at-scottcbusiness\/publish0x-only-platform-without-wealth-inequality-xdqldd\nMinds: https:\/\/www.minds.com\/scottcbusiness\/blog\/publish0x-is-the-only-platform-without-wealth-inequality-1043411135314718720\n\nI\u2019d like to cover more platforms and be more in-depth with this breakdown given the response to the previous article and video. You will see some information repeated and I will dive in further to some of it. Also,<br> note that I do a lot of calculations here so if something is slightly off,<br> feel free to correct it,<br> but in the grand scheme,<br> it\u2019s likely to be negligible.\n\nThe reason I wanted to do this is that it\u2019s important to understand how the token economies of each platform work to make a more informed decision about where you will invest your time and effort. There are many platforms that fully control the sale of their token which means it\u2019s highly centralized and they also control the price. Do keep in mind that with some of these breakdowns,<br> there are large accounts used for token withdrawals,<br> rewards,<br> and airdrops that are controlled by the platforms. I don\u2019t think it\u2019s the most ideal to have all the cryptocurrency already mined and held by one entity,<br> but I recognize that it\u2019s not the same as where only a few entities hold the majority of a token. Also,<br> I\u2019d like to state that wealth inequality is a natural consequence of Zipf\u2019s law because that\u2019s generally how economics works. Though Steem does a good job of fixing this and Publish0x completely solved it with crypto-agnosticism.\n\nWe are taking a hard look at every platform and be very critical and unrelenting. I still use these platforms and appreciate them and their staff,<br> but we are going to dive deep and bring everything to the surface. \n\nYou can find the blogs with all the information below:\nSteemit: TBD\nPublish0x: https:\/\/www.publish0x.com\/at-scottcbusiness\/comprehensive-blockchain-social-crypto-holdings-breakdown-xzrogn\nMinds: https:\/\/www.minds.com\/scottcbusiness\/blog\/the-comprehensive-blockchain-social-crypto-holdings-breakdow-1046914604401401856\n\nLet me know what you think about this in the comments below and don\u2019t forget to subscribe!\n\n\ud83d\udc65 Check out all my social platforms and relevant links \ud83d\udcac\nhttp:\/\/www.scottcbusiness.com\n\nYou can support me via \ud83c\udf81\nETH: 0xE0d930a0aa8e57e037D749a868ade5682a34e88e or send to scottcbusiness.eth\nBTC: 3BDPgp4LgzLZBQ3PD4RcLejdNWZKL1e3v5\nLTC: MNjQnZ7pLQBWUSaKFoDVCpqd8bpkFmNNtw\nLBC: bVb9Hm5EjLUmmTdEypgMJAKd71J3QkUhng\nNEO: ASttKYZ6moY5Wkvytc1t1YTjqMDrDR2YGT\nYou can also now send BTC,<br> LTC,<br> and ETH to scottcunningham.zil via Moonlet,<br> Counter,<br> or Coinomi\nIf you support my work and haven't downloaded Brave browser yet,<br> please use this link: https:\/\/brave.com\/sco076\n\n<hr><a href='https:\/\/d.tube\/#!\/v\/scottcbusiness\/0j8hxndta9n'> \u25b6\ufe0f DTube<\/a><br \/><a href='https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ggFBadzAqq8'> \u25b6\ufe0f YouTube<\/a>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"video\"<br>\"videoId\":\"ggFBadzAqq8\",<br>\"url\":\"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ggFBadzAqq8\",<br>\"title\":\"The Comprehensive Blockchain Social Crypto Holdings Breakdown | EP#208\",<br>\"description\":\"Have you wondered who is holding the majority of circulating tokens or cryptocurrency for a blockchain social platform or how they\u2019re distributed? Today we are going to dive into each major platform and do a comprehensive breakdown with the information we have available to us.\\n\\nI also want to point out this has nothing to do with wanting to correct wealth inequality,<br> but rather to point out which platforms have the least\/most centralized distribution and or holding of wealth and which platforms have the most equal opportunity to earn. This is absolutely not about supporting equal outcome,<br> but rather to inform,<br> share,<br> and summarize the information publicly available to us all aside from the few inquiries I made to confirm various things. What\u2019s actually more important on social applications is social inequality. Where you can assert your power over someone else to influence them in some way.\\n\\nThis is meant to expand upon my previous post on this that goes into lesser detail on the wealth inequality on a few platforms which you can check out below:\\nSteemit: https:\/\/steemit.com\/dtube\/@scottcbusiness\/ghc622ybiim\\nPublish0x: https:\/\/www.publish0x.com\/at-scottcbusiness\/publish0x-only-platform-without-wealth-inequality-xdqldd\\nMinds: https:\/\/www.minds.com\/scottcbusiness\/blog\/publish0x-is-the-only-platform-without-wealth-inequality-1043411135314718720\\n\\nI\u2019d like to cover more platforms and be more in-depth with this breakdown given the response to the previous article and video. You will see some information repeated and I will dive in further to some of it. Also,<br> note that I do a lot of calculations here so if something is slightly off,<br> feel free to correct it,<br> but in the grand scheme,<br> it\u2019s likely to be negligible.\\n\\nThe reason I wanted to do this is that it\u2019s important to understand how the token economies of each platform work to make a more informed decision about where you will invest your time and effort. There are many platforms that fully control the sale of their token which means it\u2019s highly centralized and they also control the price. Do keep in mind that with some of these breakdowns,<br> there are large accounts used for token withdrawals,<br> rewards,<br> and airdrops that are controlled by the platforms. I don\u2019t think it\u2019s the most ideal to have all the cryptocurrency already mined and held by one entity,<br> but I recognize that it\u2019s not the same as where only a few entities hold the majority of a token. Also,<br> I\u2019d like to state that wealth inequality is a natural consequence of Zipf\u2019s law because that\u2019s generally how economics works. Though Steem does a good job of fixing this and Publish0x completely solved it with crypto-agnosticism.\\n\\nWe are taking a hard look at every platform and be very critical and unrelenting. I still use these platforms and appreciate them and their staff,<br> but we are going to dive deep and bring everything to the surface. \\n\\nYou can find the blogs with all the information below:\\nSteemit: TBD\\nPublish0x: https:\/\/www.publish0x.com\/at-scottcbusiness\/comprehensive-blockchain-social-crypto-holdings-breakdown-xzrogn\\nMinds: https:\/\/www.minds.com\/scottcbusiness\/blog\/the-comprehensive-blockchain-social-crypto-holdings-breakdow-1046914604401401856\\n\\nLet me know what you think about this in the comments below and don\u2019t forget to subscribe!\\n\\n\ud83d\udc65 Check out all my social platforms and relevant links \ud83d\udcac\\nhttp:\/\/www.scottcbusiness.com\\n\\nYou can support me via \ud83c\udf81\\nETH: 0xE0d930a0aa8e57e037D749a868ade5682a34e88e or send to scottcbusiness.eth\\nBTC: 3BDPgp4LgzLZBQ3PD4RcLejdNWZKL1e3v5\\nLTC: MNjQnZ7pLQBWUSaKFoDVCpqd8bpkFmNNtw\\nLBC: bVb9Hm5EjLUmmTdEypgMJAKd71J3QkUhng\\nNEO: ASttKYZ6moY5Wkvytc1t1YTjqMDrDR2YGT\\nYou can also now send BTC,<br> LTC,<br> and ETH to scottcunningham.zil via Moonlet,<br> Counter,<br> or Coinomi\\nIf you support my work and haven't downloaded Brave browser yet,<br> please use this link: https:\/\/brave.com\/sco076\",<br>\"owner\":\"Scott Cunningham\",<br>\"channelId\":\"UCDBycVghUbnimnzqirsU1Jg\",<br>\"thumbnailUrl\":\"https:\/\/snap1.d.tube\/ipfs\/QmV6ManWz7HYhmXKJ8hAMDVGFusNaRKhPvPXTbYd5W4cX9\",<br>\"datePublished\":\"2019-11-28\",<br>\"genre\":\"People & Blogs\",<br>\"isFamilyFriendly\":true,<br>\"duration\":2422,<br>\"channelThumbnailUrl\":\"https:\/\/yt3.ggpht.com\/a\/AGF-l7-noyUbbWcWL3DVOcwRP7Pw0AcaQDYib94Diw=s48-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo\",<br>\"providerName\":\"YouTube\",<br>\"app\":\"dtube\/0.9\",<br>\"refs\":[\"dtc\/scottcbusiness\/ggFBadzAqq8\" ,<br>\"tags\":[\"dtube\",<br>\"blockchain\" ,<br>\"app\":\"dtube\/0.9\" " | comment_options | "author":"scottcbusiness", "permlink":"0j8hxndta9n", "max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 SBD", "percent_steem_dollars":10000, "allow_votes":true, "allow_curation_rewards":true, "extensions":[[0, "beneficiaries":[ "account":"dtube", "weight":1000 |