Transaction: a0f204228a93c09cd4c8af23851d7c6d9d2f1db5

Included in block 36,464,551 at 2019/09/16 06:32:39 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id a0f204228a93c09cd4c8af23851d7c6d9d2f1db5
ref_block_num 26,516
ref_block_prefix 2,312,151,113
transaction_num 6
signatures 1f481d9f835214123279891638f6f0b1f886352cebd6b88af26183ca757ae7f01506315f3e8544a7907797b8c87504b53dbb1c290d41049bc1bef3792a844ad3bc
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"dlike",<br>"author":"michaelisikoff",<br>"permlink":"vinatieris-struggles-give-irsay-cause-for-concern",<br>"title":"Vinatieri's struggles give Irsay cause for 'concern'",<br>"body":"<center><img src='https:\/\/\/combiner\/i?img=\/photo\/2019\/0915\/r598454_1296x729_16-9.jpg' alt='Shared From Dlike' \/><\/center> \n\n#####\n\n NASHVILLE,<br> Tenn. -- The Indianapolis Colts have a kicking problem the team said must be addressed immediately.\r\n\r\nThe Colts beat the Tennessee Titans 19-17 on Sunday,<br> but veteran kicker Adam Vinatieri,<br> the NFL's all-time leading scorer,<br> missed two more extra-point kicks and he almost became the reason the Colts lost.\r\n\r\n\"Breaks my heart to see it because I know how hard [Vinatieri works,<br>\" Colts owner Jim Irsay said outside the locker room after the game. \"Of course it's a concern. I can't lie to you guys. Anyone would tell you it's a concern. Adam,<br> coach [Frank Reich ,<br> [general manager Chris [Ballard ,<br> me. Yeah,<br> I mean,<br> in this league,<br> it's professional football. We all have to produce. \n\n#####\n\n <center><br><a href='https:\/\/\/nfl\/story\/_\/id\/27624852\/vinatieri-struggles-give-irsay-cause-concern'>Source of shared Link<\/a><hr><br><a href='https:\/\/\/'><img src='https:\/\/\/images\/dlike-logo.jpg'><\/a><\/center>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"community\":\"dlike\",<br>\"app\":\"dlike\/3\",<br>\"format\":\"html\",<br>\"image\":\"https:\\\/\\\/\\\/combiner\\\/i?img=\\\/photo\\\/2019\\\/0915\\\/r598454_1296x729_16-9.jpg\",<br>\"url\":\"https:\\\/\\\/\\\/nfl\\\/story\\\/_\\\/id\\\/27624852\\\/vinatieri-struggles-give-irsay-cause-concern\",<br>\"body\":\"NASHVILLE,<br> Tenn. -- The Indianapolis Colts have a kicking problem the team said must be addressed immediately.\\r\\n\\r\\nThe Colts beat the Tennessee Titans 19-17 on Sunday,<br> but veteran kicker Adam Vinatieri,<br> the NFL's all-time leading scorer,<br> missed two more extra-point kicks and he almost became the reason the Colts lost.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\\"Breaks my heart to see it because I know how hard [Vinatieri works,<br>\\\" Colts owner Jim Irsay said outside the locker room after the game. \\\"Of course it's a concern. I can't lie to you guys. Anyone would tell you it's a concern. Adam,<br> coach [Frank Reich ,<br> [general manager Chris [Ballard ,<br> me. Yeah,<br> I mean,<br> in this league,<br> it's professional football. We all have to produce.\",<br>\"category\":\"Sports\",<br>\"tags\":[\"dlike\",<br>\"dlike-sports\",<br>\"sportstalk\",<br>\"neoxian\",<br>\"zzan\" "
"max_accepted_payout":"900.000 SBD",
"beneficiaries":[ "account":"dlike",
"weight":900 ,
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.