Transaction: a0c358fecfd0b6c215c4649981b7b9439c7fe734

Included in block 26,254,333 at 2018/09/25 12:59:30 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id a0c358fecfd0b6c215c4649981b7b9439c7fe734
ref_block_num 39,911
ref_block_prefix 240,122,154
transaction_num 12
signatures 200cfc3c8b06ad86ea7f305c9141bc5b15865b1448c44454a4ddce157b1a8de3fc4690abb232d73bfb0c0fac2a0802c9aeae353b9b709140dbdc95de5df08bdc31
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"witness",<br>"author":"white-lie-living",<br>"permlink":"why-am-i-here-why-do-i-exist-am-i-a-bot-are-witnesses-good-is-steem-good-for-my-health-why-am-i-in-the-hospital",<br>"title":"why am i here? why do i exist? am i a bot? are witnesses good? is steem good for my health? why am i in the hospital",<br>"body":"please down vote me\nplease down vote me\nplease put me out of my misery\nplease do surgery on me\nplease insure me\nplease government,<br> do not overcharge me for surgery\nplease buy stuff from me so i can buy a van to pull me rv to a warm climate\nplease bot,<br> please bot police,<br> down vote me\nplease witness over spend for a steemfest\nplease witness promo yourself\nhelpie,<br> helps himself\nbernie,<br> helps himself\njerry,<br> helps himself\nmarky,<br> helps himself\nwolfy,<br> helps himself\nsorry do not get mad at me for leaving the rest of the witnesses out for helping themselves\/ \ni just do not have time to list all of you self involved non humanity type things that call yourselves human beings\ni am a bad content type person\nkind of wish i was a good content steemit type of thingy\nkind of wish i would of not come here and spent my money that i could really use right now\nkind of wish i would of not learned about steem\nkind of wish i new more about steem\nkind of wish i was smart like the rest of you",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"witness\",<br>\"witnessbashing\",<br>\"witnessarefullofbots\",<br>\"selfpromowitness\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.