Transaction: a09cc7f4d73d796483ea0c18b2ca9a1d3c6ed210

Included in block 14,672,402 at 2017/08/18 04:29:33 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id a09cc7f4d73d796483ea0c18b2ca9a1d3c6ed210
ref_block_num 57,870
ref_block_prefix 1,559,899,785
transaction_num 11
signatures 2070e0bb1028cdc005a00c59f16bdfb19294d891e256fa7d227f21d512265e138244df4e2cb1a725b3792b0ef9ffcebf03463f21cc94036b763a4f5332c37b6748
"parent_author":"crypt0",<br>"parent_permlink":"where-cryptocurrency-will-be-within-the-next-few-months-flippening",<br>"author":"blubeast",<br>"permlink":"re-crypt0-where-cryptocurrency-will-be-within-the-next-few-months-flippening-20170818t042940613z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Omar. Keep doing the opinion pieces. It's valuable.\n\nDiving into your assessment of where the market is headed with the BTC agreements... Agreed,<br> ETH is strong. Here is where I think there's a question mark:\n 1) With all these ICO's dumping ETH to liquidate into fiat (i.e. EOS),<br> it's holding the price underwater. I just wonder how long that will continue. How much new adoption will make it rise? How fast? Will OmiseGo move that along and bring Asia with it quickly? 2) Bitcoin is a brand name at this point. As I introduce people to crypto,<br> they all want to buy Bitcoin. I could tell them that Ethereum will rise 200% tomorrow but they do not care. They want Bitcoin. It's like buying Nike's.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"crypto-news\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
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