Transaction: 9ffaba78e91809c99c572ade2f7016a7bd153e28

Included in block 12,898,066 at 2017/06/17 11:10:15 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 9ffaba78e91809c99c572ade2f7016a7bd153e28
ref_block_num 53,005
ref_block_prefix 4,134,319,151
transaction_num 8
signatures 1f4a303d575c83ea8905f98432b27c9b7cde16cc0a8c49b45314ae711d299f58a81bc1c500c61843b7d4aa00d0ffc2fbd20b80bc8b85e68aa44fc64770ffad8ef4
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"writing",<br>"author":"anubhavrawat",<br>"permlink":"the-option-thought-log-1",<br>"title":"The Option. Thought Log #1",<br>"body":"![d.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmS8Htm6kN9HvvkmHGv3woSuGwrFmCVtX568aG4XwmXARV\/d.jpg)\n\n# The Option. <h1>\n\nYesterday night,<br> I came to know about an acquaintance of mine who lives in the same building as me. His father died yesterday.\n\nNothing unusual,<br> everyone was consolidating him whilst he kept crying. And he is very young,<br> somewhere around 24. He left for home the next morning and everything went back to normal. Everyone got back to their lives,<br> enjoying their \u201cFriday\u201d night.\n\nBut that incident left me with a thought,<br> a very intense one. What if the reason behind his crying wasn\u2019t just passing away of his father but something much more than that. Think about it. Literally everyone who exist has this feeling though very nascent,<br> to make their parents happy,<br> to make them proud of you. Even though you won\u2019t admit it but you feel the same way somewhere deep down. To see them happy because of you.\n\nWe haven\u2019t contemplated this thought yet because we always have that 'option' of changing our lives for the better and making them happy. But what if you don\u2019t have that option anymore?\n\nWould you change your life for yourself? Of course not. If you wanted to,<br> you would have done it by now. As of now,<br> I hope you still have this 'option'. Think about it. This option won\u2019t stay with you forever.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"writing\",<br>\"life\",<br>\"philosophy\",<br>\"thought\",<br>\"psychology\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmS8Htm6kN9HvvkmHGv3woSuGwrFmCVtX568aG4XwmXARV\/d.jpg\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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