Transaction: 9e297a79e16d3cef9143a1e59ce0796fb94bb946

Included in block 18,406,381 at 2017/12/25 21:57:06 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 9e297a79e16d3cef9143a1e59ce0796fb94bb946
ref_block_num 56,282
ref_block_prefix 933,009,134
transaction_num 5
signatures 1f17fecedf60d1b22c8646adaaea4e8b74c30dedb374cd026bbb22eabfe36e382c5577b3d83e7dec04041883fe2020c985892e7b6e359643a8d0ebc4cd4d09aa28
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"blog",<br>"author":"bykaranteli",<br>"permlink":"they-got-in-front-of-everyone-the-passengers-froze",<br>"title":"They got in front of everyone! The passengers froze",<br>"body":"The inconceivable event took place on December 21st. One couple entered sexual intercourse in one of the famous double decker buses in the UK,<br> ignoring other passengers around. In the images recorded by the passengers,<br> it was seen that the woman was completely naked and that the pair had quite comfortable attitude.\n\nRUSSIANS RUSSIAN\n\nThe double-decked car-stored images of the two traveling in the Shoreditch area of \u200b\u200bWest London spread quickly. As soon as another traveler logs on to his cell phone,<br> the couple seems to have entered the relationship for a minute. The couple,<br> who were thought to be using alcohol or drugs,<br> laughed smiles on their viewers,<br> and she was seen screaming from time to time.\n\nDRIVER DOWNLOAD\n\nAfter a while,<br> the driver of the bus driver intervened,<br> the pair was downloaded from the car. The passenger chauffeur supported with applause.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"blog\",<br>\"news\",<br>\"english\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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