Transaction: 9e1eb76837dfc715a18dac7455198d70588a1704

Included in block 20,579,404 at 2018/03/11 10:35:42 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 9e1eb76837dfc715a18dac7455198d70588a1704
ref_block_num 1,074
ref_block_prefix 2,708,796,143
transaction_num 50
signatures 205ca8f60d8b9a090cfb51967de0ea9ab6dfa857715e0e2eca065294c1795d357133f4eb0e78e94bd0a03b1d49464e00088d0769ff9697100453f0dc7d39448a13
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"freewrite",<br>"author":"royaltiesboss-eu",<br>"permlink":"the-undercover-agent-another-freewrite-23e73482cbabd",<br>"title":"THE UNDERCOVER AGENT. (ANOTHER FREEWRITE)",<br>"body":"This is for the weekend 15minute free write: https:\/\/\/freewrite\/@mariannewest\/weekend-freewrite-3-10-2018-part-1-the-first-sentence\n\nI was dressed in a completely inappropriate shade of pink. I was supposed to blend in,<br> I was supposed not to be conspicuous but this pink cloth I was wearing made me stand out,<br> in fact every single move I made was noticed,<br> yet I was undercover,<br> this is the exact opposite of being undercover.\n\nMy boss called me up this morning saying there was an emergency,<br> God this people won't ever let me gave rest. Just on Thursday evening I was told to take the weekend off and after a day out with some friends I ended up drunk and with a girl I picked up from the pub on Friday night.\n\nI spent a better part of the night plowing and exploring the wonders in between her thighs and just in the wee hours of the morning I wanted to rest only to be woke up by the stinging sound of my pager and then the croaked voice of my boss roaring thatbi should come in immediately as there was an emergency,<br> and in my hurry I just threw on this pink attire that made me look like a member of a carnival train.\n\nWe were drinking champagne and losing our shirts. Ordinarily I wouldn't do that while on duty,<br> but my boss told me in plain language that this suspect was on the watchlist of all the international police agencies and I should do everything possible not to let the guy slip away.\n\nThe funny thing was that no one knew who he was,<br> there was no picture of him around anywhere so I was supposed to find out who the notorious drug lord was and also arrest him.\n\nAnd so when my boss said; \"I called you in because you are the best\",<br> I knew I was a far cry from my optimal self but the job had to get done,<br> and even right now as I drank myself once again to stupor in the midst of the men I suspected to be the gang members,<br> and before long we started losing our shirts getting comfortable,<br> I silently wondered if I haven't made a mistake by not refusing to come on this assignment,<br> but then all of a sudden the girl from last night just showed up again,<br> out of no where she just showed up again or am I beginning to hallucinate because of excess alcohol in my system.\n\nNo I wasn't hallucinating,<br> it was her in flesh and blood and she was heading towards me,<br> I'm finished my cover is blown. Even though I was scared and was thinking of what next to do,<br> yet I was rock hard,<br> the tent in my trouser was very conspicuous and couldn't help but long to have her again.\n\nFunny enough I didn't even know her name,<br> we never did introductions last night as she got closer she was damn sexy,<br> she had this sex appeal around her that I believe would give a eunuch wet dreams.\n\nThe moment she got closer the guys on the table all started exchanging banter with her,<br> Sam was what they called her,<br> but she seemed more interested in me,<br> she just called me stud and slipped under the table and before long had my hardness deep down her throat as the guys started a bout of wwhisling and catcalls. \n\nBefore long we got up and took our naughtiness to a shack nearby which she said was her room,<br> I just barely got buried in her when her phone rang and she said don't stop fucking me as she picked the call,<br> what I heard next sent chills down my spine.\n\nI couldn't here the other end of the conversation but she just said,<br> \"Louis tell the boys,<br> tomorrow will be the day Lillian learned to drive. Yes that was the code of the operation,<br> intelligence report had it that the operation the notorious and wanted gang came to execute in town is codenamed: **the day Lillian learned to drive.**\n\nI couldn't believe this sexy woman is the gang leader I was supposed to be tracking but here I am buried deep in her sheath.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/freewrite\/@mariannewest\/weekend-freewrite-3-10-2018-part-1-the-first-sentence\" ,<br>\"image\":[ ,<br>\"tags\":[\"freewrite\",<br>\"weekendfreewrite\",<br>\"writing\",<br>\"thealliance\",<br>\"steempeninsula\" ,<br>\"app\":\"esteem\/1.5.0\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown+html\",<br>\"community\":\"esteem\" "
"max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 SBD",
"beneficiaries":[ "account":"esteemapp",
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.