Transaction: 9a0eb2f057de133a67126857230cba1e701a9a67

Included in block 36,464,353 at 2019/09/16 06:22:45 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 9a0eb2f057de133a67126857230cba1e701a9a67
ref_block_num 26,315
ref_block_prefix 3,806,023,061
transaction_num 33
signatures 1f2c6442ca254574b10e8e7e00b0c9bcba6dc2a5aa30fcf4303585c02bc48fbde16a6f39b588849c547806c76613b0c2b820925b8fc8ae71856a950b4bf6094135
"parent_author":"tattoodjay",<br>"parent_permlink":"actifit-tattoodjay-20190915t225933613z",<br>"author":"johannpiber",<br>"permlink":"pxwv1u",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"If you use the garlic things,<br> like @kaminchan suggests,<br> please be aware,<br> that you might get problems with your wife - I hope,<br> you have a spare bedroom for you to sleep in future &#128521;\n\nSeriously,<br> many people use garlic \"medicine\" in pills and oils or eat the pure garlic here,<br> and it really seems to help at many health problems. But I am no doctor,<br> nor do I know anything about your special health issues,<br> apart from what it is. I know,<br> you will do the right thing,<br> and that you will be fine again soon. As you say,<br> take it easy,<br> and have a rest on that bench you posted lately &#128522;\n\nWhat a gorgeous sunrise,<br> my friend,<br> I love it &#128522;\nThis is,<br> what I also was hoping for yesterday,<br> but I also had a good morning walk without such a colorful sunrise and without such a beautiful beach with the bordwalks and piers &#128527;\nThat fog gives a nice effect on the photo,<br> which you took on the dirt road.\n!BEER\n$trdo",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"actifit\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"kaminchan\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
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