Transaction: 98169ee1fb03fbe304f5a3068f87ddefc1572b3c

Included in block 42,256,504 at 2020/04/05 00:30:21 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 98169ee1fb03fbe304f5a3068f87ddefc1572b3c
ref_block_num 51,297
ref_block_prefix 1,512,236,861
transaction_num 31
signatures 2025eb277b9180bd6c81b07862d6833aa7043df7854a67d3b3689bff87032484a5620b16d63280eb93b0c1d3b02f03d9ed7580c606c8975be6c940041ec5d8b016
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-148441",<br>"author":"filotasriza3",<br>"permlink":"surviving-quarantine-fun-things-to-do-that-you-never-thought",<br>"title":"Surviving Quarantine: Fun Things to do that you Never Thought",<br>"body":"<html>\n<center><p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/02\/court_orders_15_persons_be_quarantined_in_st_vincent.jpg\"\/><\/p>\n<p>By now i think most of you are staying home due to the quarantine,<br>strict measures or fear. I also believe that in a way you are bored and tried out many different things to kill that boredom .Don&#x27;t be afraid though,<br> i am here for you! <\/p>\n<p><strong><em>Watch a movie or work out.... Nahh these things are for amateurs!<\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>I will share my unlimited knowledge<\/strong> with you all and give you some great ideas to kill time. i will also tell you what are the benefits of staying home 24\/7,<br> <em>but most likely this will be a part 2!<\/em> Let&#x27;s get started!<\/p>\n<h1>Great Fucking Ideas To Kill Time<\/h1>\n<hr\/>\n<h2>1) Explore Your House<\/h2>\n<p><br\/>It&#x27;s time to become an <strong>adventurer<\/strong>! I know you have watched all those <em>Indiana Jones films<\/em> but now you need to step up and discover the secrets of your house. <strong>First <\/strong>things first,<br> <strong>find <\/strong>a proper <strong>outfit<\/strong>. You can go on this adventure solo or with a party (<em>your family<\/em>). <strong>Discover <\/strong>what lies <strong>beneath <\/strong>the <strong>ancient ruins <\/strong>of your <strong>couch<\/strong>. <em>Did you find some coins or just dirt?<\/em><\/p>\n<p>Then march straight to the <strong>refrigerator<\/strong>! You can take all the food you need for you travel as well as water from the fountain nearby that&#x27;s called &quot;The faucet&quot;. There are some unexplored rooms left such as the &quot;<strong>Bedrooms<\/strong>&quot;. In your search there,<br> you may discover the secret room called the &quot;<strong>Bathroom<\/strong>&quot; where you can lie a bit and relax!<\/p>\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/preview\/654\/604\/26\/manipulation-sunset-sky-sea-silhouette-adventurer.jpg\"\/><\/p>\n<p><strong>If you wanna play this on hard more,<br><\/strong> before you even begin your journey there is a <strong>limit <\/strong>to what you can carry in your backpack. That&#x27;s why in case you wanna some rice,<br> the limit is exactly 153 seeds of rice,<br> so you better count them carefully!<\/p>\n<h2>2) Become The Toilet Paper King<\/h2>\n<p><\/p>\n<p>This is quite the idea and ofc an <strong>achievement <\/strong>only a few have. First,<br> you need to order or go out and <strong>buy all the toilet papers you can find<\/strong>. <em>Why you ask?<\/em> Because everybody does it ,<br>but you are not everybody. <strong>You are above them <\/strong>so you MUST have more toilet paper than those <strong>peasants<\/strong>. Then when you have enough toilet paper for years it&#x27;s time to have some fun with it.<\/p>\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/photo\/2015\/11\/10\/16\/10\/frog-1037248_960_720.jpg\"\/><\/p>\n<p><strong>You can make castles and thrones out of toilet paper and be the one and only Toilet Paper King!<\/strong> If you feel a little generous you can do <strong>giveaways <\/strong>via your social media and share a little bit of your wealth. Money,<br>Cars,<br>Consoles,<br>Gift Cards are some of the giveaway things most of people do,<br> but it&#x27;s so 2019! <\/p>\n<h2>3) Start The Conspiracy Theories <\/h2>\n<p><\/p>\n<p>This is one of the best things you can actually do. The main reason to that is because <strong>you can never run out of ideas.<\/strong> Literally behind the corona virus can be anyone! <em>The guy that ate the bat? Some other guy that made him ate the bat? The whole Chinese government? The Americans? The Illuminati? <\/em><\/p>\n<p><strong><em>Who knows?<\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/wikipedia\/commons\/d\/d4\/Conspiracy_2.jpg\"\/><\/p>\n<p>Maybe i do? Maybe just maybe i am behind all of these? or your creepy neighbor next door is responsible for all this mess. Let me give you an example. Let&#x27;s say that actually all of this came from a Chinese guy that ate a bat. That guy may previously be an apple worker. Your neighbor bought an apple product but had some issues and because he is one of the &quot;i wanna talk to the manager&quot; type of people,<br> the whole issue reached Apple&#x27;s factory in China and he lost his job. Then without much money he ate whatever he could find and one of the cheap options was the bat<\/p>\n<h2><em><strong>How does that sound like? Do you have other theories?<\/strong><\/em><\/h2>\n<hr\/>\n<blockquote>images <a href=\"https:\/\/\/url?sa=i&amp;;psig=AOvVaw0VFO4bPoQMAEBTtl894dAp&amp;ust=1586132015049000&amp;source=images&amp;cd=vfe&amp;ved=0CAkQjhxqFwoTCNiZkKyA0OgCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE\">1 <\/a><a href=\"https:\/\/\/url?sa=i&amp;;psig=AOvVaw32AiZ5H42SnunNxgKUn29h&amp;ust=1586132178639000&amp;source=images&amp;cd=vfe&amp;ved=0CAkQjhxqFwoTCPDEj_qA0OgCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAL\">2 <\/a><a href=\"https:\/\/\/url?sa=i&amp;;psig=AOvVaw0LWgz35GOCMKHAqA3iyrFy&amp;ust=1586132454817000&amp;source=images&amp;cd=vfe&amp;ved=0CAkQjhxqFwoTCLClxv2B0OgCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAK\">3 <\/a><a href=\"https:\/\/\/url?sa=i&amp;;psig=AOvVaw3wiht_GrnxCVBeqjazxW83&amp;ust=1586132520609000&amp;source=images&amp;cd=vfe&amp;ved=0CAkQjhxqFwoTCMDXmZ2C0OgCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAL\">4<\/a> <\/blockquote><\/center>\n<p><\/p>\n<\/html>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"fun\",<br>\"quarantine\",<br>\"covid19\",<br>\"virus\",<br>\"steemit\",<br>\"ocd\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/02\/court_orders_15_persons_be_quarantined_in_st_vincent.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/preview\/654\/604\/26\/manipulation-sunset-sky-sea-silhouette-adventurer.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/photo\/2015\/11\/10\/16\/10\/frog-1037248_960_720.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/wikipedia\/commons\/d\/d4\/Conspiracy_2.jpg\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/url?sa=i&\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/url?sa=i&\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/url?sa=i&\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/url?sa=i&\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\",<br>\"format\":\"html\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.