Transaction: 97104312b6eb8bba2cee09347c188f9ba610eb1b

Included in block 19,639,077 at 2018/02/06 18:07:00 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 97104312b6eb8bba2cee09347c188f9ba610eb1b
ref_block_num 43,794
ref_block_prefix 2,673,313,875
transaction_num 29
signatures 20509ffafea3356f0a45a46fe719d3decba0d5f4a4c829ed34bac957ef6b15a03c2115ad3cadb1cab7bd979415feaee7ca798bb530cbb1bbeecf311962bab6147d
"parent_author":"aussieninja",<br>"parent_permlink":"re-happyme-re-happyme-the-happystore-your-place-to-buy-sell-trade-or-gift-week-12-20180206t172433217z",<br>"author":"happyme",<br>"permlink":"re-aussieninja-re-happyme-re-happyme-the-happystore-your-place-to-buy-sell-trade-or-gift-week-12-20180206t180658766z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Oh wow! That would be great. It's not so much writing the queries as it is getting the interface done to make the code work with Steem. Some sort of bot needs to be made that can respond to fixed inputs such as: !Attack - response is a random success or fail.\n!Search - response is a random success or fail. If success,<br> a random item from a list is chosen. If fail,<br> a random zombie is found from nothing to Hulk.\n!SearchTorch - same as above except 2 items would be chosen for successful searches.\n!Search2Torch - same except 3 items are chosen on success.\n\nI think that should cover it all. Players would need to recognize legitimate attacks and moves based on their weapons and location.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"happystore\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.