Transaction: 962766117f6961f590b735219b53980cf3eb0cf6

Included in block 35,177,852 at 2019/08/01 17:14:03 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 962766117f6961f590b735219b53980cf3eb0cf6
ref_block_num 50,534
ref_block_prefix 3,181,656,142
transaction_num 13
signatures 1f56e1f2c3070fe90bb1a4adbb40f90d215b88a2fefe4f627ae44cb2350c95d6285787cdf74358c2fb86af00e9f43c90e6e3b970cb8112e8acd593c7f93e428e5c
"parent_author":"hippie-witha-gun",<br>"parent_permlink":"getting-there-without-drugs-by-dr-buryl-payne-natural-medicine-contest-7-31-19",<br>"author":"hlezama",<br>"permlink":"pvkij7",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"That was funny and ironic. Great for you. It does not happen very often that we can get to find a book that will transform our vision of the world and our role in it. Less often even do we get to contact the author. It must have been quite a high to talk to him etc.\nI have never felt the inclination to do drugs,<br> but I can't blame anyoen for wanting some way out,<br> even if transitory,<br> of this messy and contradictory world we live in.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"naturalmedicine\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
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