Transaction: 94c1907d569586249906b98612745c6a0d63ec21

Included in block 14,601,808 at 2017/08/15 17:33:15 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 94c1907d569586249906b98612745c6a0d63ec21
ref_block_num 52,811
ref_block_prefix 4,193,605,311
transaction_num 3
signatures 2064fbfbd249263d26f6df5b4bca85cb4d386c616a91ba46795db5019450f456ea4e525d16dab25b4d725ff3373e986858f9d08d81811c41162cf88203463fd10d
"parent_author":"jarendesta",<br>"parent_permlink":"re-the-dagda-re-jarendesta-the-divine-move-game-of-go-series-3-20170815t144809966z",<br>"author":"the-dagda",<br>"permlink":"re-jarendesta-re-the-dagda-re-jarendesta-the-divine-move-game-of-go-series-3-20170815t173306168z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Ok,<br> thanks. My first question,<br> which might lead to the answers for the rest of my questions,<br> is what\/where is the best online resource for getting to grips with some real strategies? I know the basics but,<br> much like in chess,<br> I lack any sort of grand strategy. I'm half decent at taking pieces and preventing my pieces from being taken but when it comes to keeping\/taking territories I'm fairly blind. I know that's pretty basic stuff but I just haven't figured it out yet,<br> I mean,<br> I even find it a little difficult to follow the games you've shared on here. I guess what I struggle with is knowing *why* I should place a piece in one spot over another.\n\nI've mostly played on a smartphone app on a small board a few years ago. More recently,<br> one of my friends brought back a Go board from his trip to Asia so I've played a game or two against him and another friend but they haven't played nearly as much as I have so I was beating them fairly easily. The more popular game among my friends is Gomoku,<br> or connect 5 as I call it,<br> haha. \n\nAnyway,<br> I hope that wasn't too much to read. Oh,<br> another question I thought of,<br> is there a handy little glossary of Go terms?",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"game\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
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