Transaction: 8feeaae2e66c30da3a6c52b81d8ebbdf6492f214

Included in block 4,947,618 at 2016/09/13 23:49:03 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 8feeaae2e66c30da3a6c52b81d8ebbdf6492f214
ref_block_num 32,163
ref_block_prefix 2,013,280,633
transaction_num 0
signatures 1f614077109ec197111965946e09df5f95f45af18409eceaf2b0fc59dcb2f4515628a68625fc9e075b83662bb9e429f538b6cefdefe1b079be777eb21ac3395a23
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"kr",<br>"author":"ioc",<br>"permlink":"steemian-storybook-no-10-the-phantom-of-the-stage-page-tuner",<br>"title":"Steemian Storybook No.10: The Phantom of The Stage : Page-Tuner",<br>"body":"<center>http:\/\/\/mDDdnT9.jpg<\/center>\n<center>image from<\/center>\n\nSome people are called 'the phantom of the stage',<br> because they have to be quite on stage even major in music. In spite of existing on the stagy,<br> not showing their existence,<br> they are page-tuner. They turned the page for pianist when pianist played difficult piece. As the pianist could not turn the page,<br> performance is depend on small action,<br> turning the page. So,<br> several pianists could not give recital without page-tuner whom he or she believe and assign his or her performance. As page-tuner is important in performance,<br> there are some teachers who volunteer page-tuner for their students. And many students willingly volunteer page-tuner for teacher.\n\n<center>http:\/\/\/5rmLVDf.jpg<\/center>\n<center>image from<\/center>\n\nThere are rules that page-tuner has to observe. Page-tuner should not be seen and keep his or her seat behind the pianist as they do not exist at first. Getting on the stage,<br> page-tuner have to wear black suit and not wear accessory. When they got on or off the stage,<br> they should not move with pianist but fallow in distance. Their job is to make suitable environment for pianist. While receiving standing ovation end of the performance,<br> page-tuner hide behind stool or just sit in the stool quietly. \nKeeping time with pianist is very important. In order to turn the page when pianist wants,<br> page-tuner listens attentively to every melody and concentrates on every act of pianist. If page-tuner failed to concentrate on and not turned the page or dropped the sheet,<br> the performance would be destroyed. Page-tuner should maintain tension along the performance and be quick when turn the page. Sharping sense,<br> page-tuner dedicate for pianist. And their job is to make audience not to know their existence. \nThere are lots of people who like page-tuner. Lots of steemian devote their time for Steemit. But we might not see their dedication. Thank you: @clayop,<br> @renohq and other many kr user. Without your dedication,<br> korean community could not grow. Possibly without you,<br> Steemit could not settle down in korea. Without your dedication,<br> there were no people who know block chain in korea and korea would not maintain global presence in the future.\n\n<center>http:\/\/\/sE10okA.jpg<\/center>\n<center>image from<\/center>\n \nFuture korea might not recognize your dedication. Possibly people would remember SAMSUNG lead block chain industry in korean even SAMSUNG doing nothing. And you might be remembered as greedy whales. You are page-tuner. No one remember your name as pioneer. Not say thank you,<br> korea community might ask more dedication to you. Please don't give up kr.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"kr\",<br>\"steemit\",<br>\"kr-steempress\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"clayop\",<br>\"renohq\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"http:\/\/\/mDDdnT9.jpg\",<br>\"http:\/\/\/5rmLVDf.jpg\",<br>\"http:\/\/\/sE10okA.jpg\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.