Transaction: 8d6fe8945c737d7ec8cd6edc2892bd59eceb4ac6

Included in block 14,672,344 at 2017/08/18 04:26:39 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 8d6fe8945c737d7ec8cd6edc2892bd59eceb4ac6
ref_block_num 57,812
ref_block_prefix 3,114,126,677
transaction_num 14
signatures 1f13472156b592989895143291fca0e3c84f39d0e8a38126b0dd8feb05037fa66c3039f701352a524a205500bd49f3b525dca6c4502bd844a6877f2957165fe43c
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"food",<br>"author":"cryotospecialist",<br>"permlink":"innovation-food",<br>"title":"Innovation food",<br>"body":"Alternative proteins the next wave of innovation\n\nThe next wave of disruptive innovation is the sustainable movement in alternative proteins. There\u2019s now a high consumer demand for healthy,<br> convenient sources of protein,<br> whether it\u2019s in the form of pasta,<br> shakes,<br> chips,<br> or even water. Millions of millennials are in search of a sustainable source of protein. Eat Bugs is the Montra of two Harvard Forbes 30 under 30 founders of sixfoods(\n\nCricket flour is now a thing!\nDelicious,<br> nutritious and sustainable cricket protein is good for the environment,<br> offering an easy,<br> cheap way to feed people worldwide as the planet\u2019s population steadily climbs towards the ten billion mark. Insects are high in protein and low in carbs compared to other protein sources. You\u2019ll find about 12.9 grams of protein per 100 grams of cricket. \n\nInnovation in food\nConsumer demands are changing as our understanding of nutrition evolves. Protein-rich foods are in particular demand,<br> but with the meat industry responsible for greenhouse gas emissions,<br> innovators such as Six foods are finding alternative ways to give consumers what they want,<br> including plant-based burgers and cricket flour. This product-focused category also includes novel ingredients and supplements such as algae.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"food\",<br>\"crickets\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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