Transaction: 8ad6c3bddb3385684cd61105b15244155cb36da4

Included in block 43,556,220 at 2020/05/21 06:54:09 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 8ad6c3bddb3385684cd61105b15244155cb36da4
ref_block_num 40,292
ref_block_prefix 1,120,657,855
transaction_num 16
signatures 20303691bf0482433a03ae546229aeb069b3849e2034a999fc545a1d780f1c577501fa6abf24b9a7300060c445dd9e3e64b5d8358074c1a72e525c2bc5774b342b
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"life",<br>"author":"boydg",<br>"permlink":"letting-go-how-to-say-goodbye-to-negative-experiences",<br>"title":"Letting Go: How to Say Goodbye to Negative Experiences",<br>"body":"https:\/\/\/images\/easyblog_shared\/negative-experiences_source-Kristinagoldorg.jpg\n[ (https:\/\/\/images\/easyblog_shared\/negative-experiences_source-Kristinagoldorg.jpg)\n\nDo you know how to Let Go: How to Say Goodbye to Negative Experiences? In my opinion,<br> there is a specific reaction that causes us to have a difficult time letting go of events in our lives. In this article,<br> I will explain what this reaction is and what I think we should do about it. By the time you have finished reading this article,<br> you will understand how to Let Go: How to Say Goodbye to Negative Experiences.\n\nThe one thing that separates us from others is the way that we view our negative events. We experience them as negative even though they may not be negative in any way. We ignore them,<br> let them slide,<br> or get angry when things go wrong. Yet,<br> we continue to live with these painful feelings. It is time to make a change.\n\nWhen we say goodbye to our bad experiences,<br> we need to really take a look at them and see how good things really are. We also need to understand that the lessons we learn are valuable lessons. That can't be said too often,<br> because people tend to avoid doing things they have done in the past in order to avoid having to go through them again.\n\nOnce we have a clear perception of what the present and future holds,<br> we can find a way to take control. That means we can let go of the negative emotions and find a way to continue with the next step. We need to change the way we respond to our negative experiences. You will have to let go of the desire to fight them and allow them to come.\n\nWe must begin to handle our experiences of anger,<br> hate,<br> sadness,<br> disappointment,<br> despair,<br> frustration,<br> and guilt in a positive way and move on with our lives. There is no reason to continue to live with these emotions in order to avoid the fact that we are facing these problems in our lives. We need to find ways to take control and allow them to help us evolve and move forward. We can let go of the fear that we have been living with,<br> thus allowing us to make a change in our lives.\n\nSo how do we Let Go? The first step is to let go of the fear of change. Yes,<br> change is a fearful word to some people. But change is a necessary part of life and it can be a good thing. What we need to do is recognize when something is truly in our best interest and give it our best effort.\n\nhttp:\/\/\/cms_uploads\/en_US\/img\/happifiers\/8-ways-to-prevent-negative-experiences-1_ecb9122.jpg\n[ (http:\/\/\/cms_uploads\/en_US\/img\/happifiers\/8-ways-to-prevent-negative-experiences-1_ecb9122.jpg)\n\nNext,<br> we can strengthen our relationships by giving our emotional support to others. In other words,<br> give us your best efforts. When we are motivated by the efforts of others,<br> we will become more effective and motivated. This increases our ability to use our skills to make the best out of our opportunities.\n\nFinally,<br> we must make a plan to make our life more productive,<br> enriching,<br> and profitable. This will improve our quality of life and enable us to see beyond the immediate and project out into the future. To achieve this goal,<br> we need to strengthen ourselves in all areas of our lives.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"life\",<br>\"negative\",<br>\"emotions\",<br>\"experiences\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/images\/easyblog_shared\/negative-experiences_source-Kristinagoldorg.jpg\",<br>\"http:\/\/\/cms_uploads\/en_US\/img\/happifiers\/8-ways-to-prevent-negative-experiences-1_ecb9122.jpg\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/images\/easyblog_shared\/negative-experiences_source-Kristinagoldorg.jpg\",<br>\"http:\/\/\/cms_uploads\/en_US\/img\/happifiers\/8-ways-to-prevent-negative-experiences-1_ecb9122.jpg\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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