Transaction: 8900c5a5a02bf1ee0d6cdfa8513cf61906da24c4

Included in block 90,019,905 at 2024/11/02 14:59:15 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 8900c5a5a02bf1ee0d6cdfa8513cf61906da24c4
ref_block_num 38,958
ref_block_prefix 403,576,286
transaction_num 7
signatures 207a245433d32bd435833eb68b4f2ac90e5ec6c7247fd5f81ebbe94eb9d53a9f1f6ef00f4e6981a03627da886385cea8f1aee58c03620b77e5ddc2676704204976
"parent_author":"jeff-kubitz",<br>"parent_permlink":"sm6c0o",<br>"author":"o1eh",<br>"permlink":"smbwao",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"> We're still working on that in the USA.\n\nI must admit,<br> there is a certain disappointment in Ukraine that we are not allowed to fully use the weapons provided to us. But certainly the USA did the most for Ukraine to survive,<br> and such things will not be forgotten.\n\n> why didn't they try to bring into the federation as all the countries like Moldova,<br> Kazakhstan,<br> and so on.\n\nI think that in the 90s,<br> Russia did not have enough forces for this,<br> primarily political. Then it was clearly visible that their strategy was to install governments in various countries that were completely controlled by Moscow.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\" "
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