Transaction: 869ca211a7c6cb1040b52be963d280080257abe5

Included in block 21,867,363 at 2018/04/25 05:25:51 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 869ca211a7c6cb1040b52be963d280080257abe5
ref_block_num 43,857
ref_block_prefix 2,337,681,625
transaction_num 55
signatures 206b17aca12fbbb6e7d365d126db3997a77083469dd3cea1dc21325f85d7f027573249fb9387360c8de59d864a22c2d269dbcd22e7693e5ecd32aa3a1a81be70d2
"parent_author":"theouterlight",<br>"parent_permlink":"daily-rabbit-hole-217-or-count-dankula-is-fined-says-he-s-not-going-to-pay-it",<br>"author":"annegirl",<br>"permlink":"re-theouterlight-daily-rabbit-hole-217-or-count-dankula-is-fined-says-he-s-not-going-to-pay-it-20180425t052547708z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"If it had been a white person agreeing with a Trump supporter Cenk would\u2019ve called him\/her a racist idiot but since it\u2019s a black man he just called Kanye dumb. Kanye may be arrogant but he sure isn\u2019t stupid - considering he\u2019s made more money than Cenk will ever see in his lifetime. Of course because Kanye is a black celebrity Cenk cannot ignore his hit back at dems (who only seem to care about race when they want to win elections) so Cenk plays one of their favorite worn out cards without addressing any issues ... and Cenk certainly is a POS - \u201cpiece of shit\u201d.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"news\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
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