Transaction: 85f12fb74a6c092357ce67344fd5cea2cdb42e6b

Included in block 19,658,474 at 2018/02/07 10:18:06 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 85f12fb74a6c092357ce67344fd5cea2cdb42e6b
ref_block_num 63,186
ref_block_prefix 201,311,315
transaction_num 16
signatures 200543c756d48061c0bb7413a98e700143fedcf3df56326f916d39c846abc1b15c74c760918bb7b1e754f58240153344354c56e41095212ca64cd3249175bdb3cb
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"blog",<br>"author":"davidad",<br>"permlink":"voiceless-voice-for-the-voiceless-and-defenceless",<br>"title":"Voiceless: Voice for the Voiceless And Defenceless",<br>"body":"Dear steemians,<br> \n----\n\n![images(3).jpeg (https:\/\/\/DQmSkygSfVNcsN63MvEdTy3kBUhsHw8iqgSzztKe1VSGwuG\/images(3).jpeg)\n\nOn today voiceless,<br> I will be discussing about children who faces hunger around the world as result of greediness and selfishness of some of our leaders which has brought about a peril on our society or world at large.\n\n___Hunger Children___\n---------\n\nChildren faces hunger around the world suffers from chronic malnutrition that stunts their growth. The biggest reason kids are hungry around the world,<br> is \u201cpoverty\u201d. Poverty often means children not only don\u2019t have enough to eat,<br> they don\u2019t have access to basic things of life. Some of them ended up on the street,<br> they often don\u2019t have access to a healthy and sufficient diet. Sometimes they don\u2019t even have food,<br> because living on the streets,<br> they don\u2019t produce any and don\u2019t have money to buy.\n\nAlso,<br> these children don\u2019t benefit from a balanced diet: they eat what they can find. Sometimes,<br> when they have the choice,<br> they even favour unhealthy foods just to feed their stomach,<br> but find none. Growth problems are also common among these children.\n\nThis has me think a lot what could be the causes of this? Which I found simple answer \u201cIt may be as result of \u201cSelfishness,<br> Greediness and Bad Leaders\u201d I will be discussing about peril which has brought upon our society as a result of greediness and selfishness of our world leaders. \n\nIt was reported,<br> that,<br> \u2018increased incidents of armed robbery,<br> burglary,<br> house-breaking and theft in our society today are occurring widely. \nThis opinion was expressed by two local chief at palace. \n\n___Their view cannot be neglected.___\n------\n\nThese two chiefs were further reported to have argued that many men who have become frustrated have resorted to stealing and robbery so as to make ends meet.\n\nSome of the resources which are meant to be use and to solving society problems; food provision,<br> shelter,<br> health provisions,<br> and for educational purpose,<br> has being diverted into some of these leaders pocket that we have. \nOur leaders throw modestly and humanity overboard because of their self-center ambition. They suddenly built a wall with the money they embezzled between themselves and others and they become unapproachable. \n\nThey don\u2019t want to mix with others,<br> only with their colleagues of importance in the society,<br> many of our leaders whose sources of their income are questionable,<br> they could wear a different very costly dress each day and erect a building for their girlfriends,<br> while uncountable suffering peoples are cried there in the society for a daily meal to feed their stomach. Such a cruel leaders will have in this contemporary world. \n\nIf those resources (Fund) that are meant to use in providing good jobs,<br> food and clothings for the people,<br> get to the appropriate and right places,<br> I don\u2019t think we would had being going through what we are experiencing in our society today such as; robbery,<br> house-breakiclothing\n\nAll these occurred as a result of frustration and to meet their ends meet. It is our collective effort and public investment on our children,<br> the most vulnerable citizens in our society. For us to live a free life of violence and fear. \n\nWho will deliver us from all these cruel and selfish men\u2019s called themselves a leader who were after their pocket and throw modestly and humanity overboard because of their self-center ambition?\n\nThe worse is that all these men\u2019s who became sudden arm-robbers as result of frustration and to meet their ends meet,<br> don\u2019t go break the home of influentials,<br> importance and a corruptible leaders who embezzled the nation treasures,<br> instead they will invade home of middle class and less privilege like them in the society. Safety and security don\u2019t just happen,<br> they are result of collective consensus and public investment. We need to care for needy around you,<br> so as to have a safe environment. \n\n___Your little contribution make a life a little better!!!___\n\nImagesCredits\n\nThanks for stopping by on my post.\n------\n\n![bitcoincompany new (5).png (https:\/\/\/DQmVSLi34gq8L1xb3KZ2qaPNiBfPAwVGNqz7rYdepcEfx13\/bitcoincompany%20new%20(5).png)",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"blog\",<br>\"story\",<br>\"voiceless\",<br>\"nigeria\",<br>\"steemit\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmSkygSfVNcsN63MvEdTy3kBUhsHw8iqgSzztKe1VSGwuG\/images(3).jpeg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmVSLi34gq8L1xb3KZ2qaPNiBfPAwVGNqz7rYdepcEfx13\/bitcoincompany%20new%20(5).png\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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