Transaction: 856a16181ab8759030cc211d6770210bd4cd79d3

Included in block 15,729,233 at 2017/09/23 21:34:51 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 856a16181ab8759030cc211d6770210bd4cd79d3
ref_block_num 587
ref_block_prefix 3,684,911,939
transaction_num 13
signatures 1f23b81d9ce79323c18ef318bf0f7b686bf6f146860a5e8114920b05408cec89fc316393dd76c1f1da617a66a98c506810c62401928e5afd35fc0d73471de34d83
"parent_author":"victorbz",<br>"parent_permlink":"re-abasinkanga-how-to-build-a-solid-steemit-reputation-20170923t204625872z",<br>"author":"abasinkanga",<br>"permlink":"re-victorbz-re-abasinkanga-how-to-build-a-solid-steemit-reputation-20170923t213443921z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Thanks for you feedback. Its not \"negative\",<br> its constructive criticism to me....\n\nIn response to your points... \n* A newbie who is pretty clueless what to do with steemit will find it helpful to know that updating his profile and doing an introductory post will place him on a better earning pedestal on steemit. Irrespective of wether the post is noticed or not. The newbie has a better shot of earning more following these tips than otherwise,<br> unless of course if the person has already been blogging from wherever he is coming from\n* If you want to really immerse yourself into the steemit community,<br> then you need to follow people,<br> see their posts,<br> comment on their works.... This will earn you followers too when people see your comments and follow you too,<br> even the post authors do follow back sometimes.\n\nIn the end its a personal choice what you do with your steemit time,<br> and how you use it... This post only gives advice and guidelines to help one grow in steemit. These are not set in stone rules,<br> that must be rigidly followed to the letter.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"steemiteducation\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.