Transaction: 827c0e5182979cc97b713706b6a69dce72d6d9e5

Included in block 12,898,088 at 2017/06/17 11:11:21 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 827c0e5182979cc97b713706b6a69dce72d6d9e5
ref_block_num 53,029
ref_block_prefix 3,392,011,905
transaction_num 6
signatures 1f20eb66febf02c58f14e009badc6acfdeef715e7efd2bcf5e517722c65cec8204317632315a4fda75f2e4020781a1ce09af5f51820f5ea7af079c66da7c24b8ea
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"politics",<br>"author":"wick",<br>"permlink":"the-next-world-war-will-be-over-water-2017617t14118679z",<br>"title":"The next World War will be over Water.",<br>"body":"A while back inwatched TED talk show where the speaker was trying to explain why nations may go to war to secure water resources or guard their own from occupation. At first i felt like this was a joke given that our planet is 70% Water. \n\nLast couple days our city has had acute water shortage and because nobody was prepared for the shortage 80% of inhabitants were not prepared and didn't have tanks or any way to store water in their homes luckily i had a 450 litre tank. \n\nThe City-wide panic was apocalyptic as people were willing to di anything to have some clean water for bathing,<br> washing clothes and even cooking but the city authority was unreachable and this made matters worse. Never in my life see people almost turn on each other over something i considered to be so abundantly available in the world.\n\nBoreholes were like goldmines with people charging a pretty dime for the water. And this proved to me that its possible to go to war over water! \n\n ![image (https:\/\/\/vi\/CAR_vN4MgVY\/maxresdefault.jpg)",<br>"json_metadata":" \"links\":[ ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/vi\/CAR_vN4MgVY\/maxresdefault.jpg\" ,<br>\"tags\":[\"politics\",<br>\"news\",<br>\"world\",<br>\"food\",<br>\"health\" ,<br>\"app\":\"esteem\/1.4.5\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown+html\",<br>\"community\":\"esteem\" "
"max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 SBD",
"beneficiaries":[ "account":"esteemapp",
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.