Transaction: 80a381c8488125c7eedfd119cf415016040b45ab

Included in block 46,843,258 at 2020/09/13 20:11:42 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 80a381c8488125c7eedfd119cf415016040b45ab
ref_block_num 50,533
ref_block_prefix 2,721,844,571
transaction_num 4
signatures 1f1352bc2df28edce5961672159bdb8f0688c99812de2c4dfd134af2d8f981b2ab4366c1628dae2f22225703cfb18a505c84e6c4eea86d4f8889cc7175f07185fe
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-144185",<br>"author":"punicwax",<br>"permlink":"here-is-how-to-buy-pgl-you-can-use-a-debit-card-on-coinbase",<br>"title":"Here is how to buy PGL,<br> you can use a Debit card on coinbase",<br>"body":"![og-default.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmPvdNffuKWFWrBNGGBw6YZcsEHkLQgCUcGTX2mNcctCeF\/og-default.jpg)\n\n If you can put $10-$20 in,<br> that is really all you need. It is complex for people new to crypto,<br> but they can do it. You go on Coinbase,<br> get Bitcoin with a Debit card (not bank) so it is available instantly. Then convert that to EOS,<br> Convert is an option on the Coinbase trade page when you click the blue \"trade\" button.\n\nOnce you have EOS,<br> go to NewDex (don't let coins sit for days or weeks if you need to spend them,<br> they could lose value by the time you need them). NewDex makes you create a Wallet,<br> Wombat works easy because it is a Google Chrome Extension,<br> which just means it makes a Wombat Wallet Icon in Chrome for you so you can click it easily. Your Username is 12 Letters long. Go back to Coinbase,<br> open the Wombat Wallet by clicking the little button it made for you in Chrome,<br> copy your username,<br> send the EOS to yourself from Coinbase on Coinbase in you Coinbase wallet to your 12 letter Wombat username.\n\nThen go back to NewDex,<br> or just Google search for:\nNewdex PGL\/WAX\n\nWhen you find that trade page,<br> go to EOS\/WAX over on the right side and switch to that page,<br> then click the bottom red colored trade option on the left hand side of the page,<br> then buy it. And keep doing that until your EOS is gone.\n\nThen on the right side click WAX\/PGL,<br> do the same thing with the red ones and buy them.\n\nNow,<br> your WAX account is your Prospectors Account,<br> so once you buy the PGL it will already be in the game because NewDex makes you log in to WAX to trade.\n\nThen go to the Prospectors game and at the top right click the settings button,<br> it looks like a little machine gear. Then click \"deposit\". And type in the amount of PGL it says you have.\n\nYou won't need more than $10-$20 until you learn more about the game,<br> and that is plenty to start with. If you compare this to a App Game,<br> like FarmVille or games more like it like Mobile Strike that Arnold Swartzenater was advertising,<br> or whatever else,<br> it is much much cheaper than those. $10-$20 at this point in time,<br> with PGL at $0.06,<br> will go a long way.\n\nwritten Feb 19 by me on FB",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"pgl\",<br>\"prospectors\",<br>\"token\",<br>\"eth\",<br>\"coinbase\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmPvdNffuKWFWrBNGGBw6YZcsEHkLQgCUcGTX2mNcctCeF\/og-default.jpg\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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