Transaction: 7f4c71b9786e473a5d3d05678b4caea5db1b5325

Included in block 68,574,339 at 2022/10/15 16:25:27 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 7f4c71b9786e473a5d3d05678b4caea5db1b5325
ref_block_num 23,660
ref_block_prefix 3,110,189,881
transaction_num 0
signatures 204c1108492e192ceb036f4068d5dadb155efec4d9f785af11673cf36cfb81135d48f814f61ba1a8f8af9d7cfb44c5e070b685a43635cca7d05d4be363e1f21ef9
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"club5050",<br>"author":"nur-e-alam",<br>"permlink":"the-dairy-game-15-10-2022-a-good-day",<br>"title":"The dairy game.(15-10-2022). A good day",<br>"body":"<\/center> <div class=\"text-justify\">\n\nAssalamualaikum. Hey my dear steemitian. How are you all. I am also fine. As always I am back again to tell my today's activities. Anyway,<br> Today I wake up early in the morning suddenly. It was time to 5 am. Then I sat down on the bed. But still then the rash of sleep did not cut from eye. Then again I have slept on the bed. Then I wake up 10 am and arrenged the bed. After arrenged the bed I went to brush teeth. After brushing teeth I have came to my room. After coming in my room I sat down at the breakfast table. Today I took breakfast with bread and meat. After completing breakfast I sat down to read. Then I have read 2 hours. After 2 hours read,<br> It was time to 12.45 pm. Then I went to shower. After bathing,<br> I went to mosque to pray Johor Salah. After praying Johor I returned home. After returning home I have prepared to lunch. Then I have finished lunch. After completing lunch I have little rest. After little rest I sat down to read on table. Then I have read little time. While reading it was time for Asar prayer. Then I have make Oju and went to the mosque to the Asar pray. After praying I returned my room. Then I have walked outside for little time in the afternoon. Today afternoon walked was very good. Because today weather of afternoon was good. In with,<br> I saw some beautiful flowers. However I didn't forget to pick up flowers picture. \n\n\n![IMG_20221012_170333.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmfPXUEyg3Yq61BcFD6cMbVmfAD7jNPfPN79ovfaZCNWw3\/IMG_20221012_170333.jpg)|![IMG_20221012_170050.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmVUqG8a4TJV4WUzo6ZZnJdVBy1HHFHkNZdwdoNWnBJVz9\/IMG_20221012_170050.jpg)\n---|---\n\nThen I have took some flowers picture. While walking evening came and the call to Magrib prayer was made in the mosque. Then I have go to the mosque to Magrib pray. After praying I returned home. Then coming home,<br> I sat down to read. I have read EEE Department subject. \n\n\n![IMG_20221015_191952.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmNfmESHKYo2AnQ4WhTKecQzwBa7Yis4unhRsfZENiqbNS\/IMG_20221015_191952.jpg)\n\nWhile reading it was time for Isha prayer. Then I have go to the mosque to Isha pray. After praying I returned home. After coming home again I sat down to read. Then I have read little time. After reading for a while,<br> I sat down for dinner. After completing dinner I make my bed for sleep. Then I have slept. This was my day's work today. Thank you for you read my story.\n\n<\/div>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"club5050\",<br>\"thediarygame\",<br>\"steemexclusive\",<br>\"bangladesh\",<br>\"steemit\",<br>\"betterlife\",<br>\"lifestyle\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmfPXUEyg3Yq61BcFD6cMbVmfAD7jNPfPN79ovfaZCNWw3\/IMG_20221012_170333.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmVUqG8a4TJV4WUzo6ZZnJdVBy1HHFHkNZdwdoNWnBJVz9\/IMG_20221012_170050.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmNfmESHKYo2AnQ4WhTKecQzwBa7Yis4unhRsfZENiqbNS\/IMG_20221015_191952.jpg\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.