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comment | "parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"ecotrain",<br>"author":"trucklife-family",<br>"permlink":"being-happy-with-who-you-are",<br>"title":"Being Happy With Who You Are",<br>"body":"<center>![image.png (https:\/\/files.steempeak.com\/file\/steempeak\/trucklife-family\/CuePDVzp-image.png)<\/center>\n<center><a href=\" https:\/\/asi.cpp.edu\/campuscrop\/?p=13523\">Image Source<\/a><\/center>\n\n<h3>One of the most important things you can ask yourself,<br> is are you living the life that you want,<br> the life that you have chosen. Or are you following someone else's path. The dreams of your parents,<br> who you may feel indebted to,<br> or have you fallen on to a path that is comfortable and secure.<\/h3> \n\n>There is this fear that hangs over some,<br> a fear of going it alone,<br> of going against the grain. It is understandable,<br> We are social creatures after all and we crave acceptance by others. Yet why should acceptance by others,<br> come before acceptance of self. \n\nFor sure some people may not understand why you choose to do what you do and at times you may feel rejected or shun upon because of your life choices. Taking the time to really know ourselves,<br> is not something that we are encouraged to do. Making time to listen to our own needs and follow our heart,<br> these are not the things we are taught. We live in a society where we are encouraged to listen more to others. To follow their advice,<br> their lead,<br> their example. From a young age we are asked to identify who are hero's are,<br> the people we want to be like. But how about just allowing one another to find their own path,<br> without any distractions or influence. \n\n<h3>How about learning to embrace who you are.<\/h3> \n<center>![image.png (https:\/\/files.steempeak.com\/file\/steempeak\/trucklife-family\/O2tURoTI-image.png)<\/center>\n<center><a href=\" https:\/\/www.pinterest.es\/pin\/250090585543728600\/?lp=true\">Image Source<\/a><\/center>\nWhy this drive to get approved by institutions,<br> by universities. I am not saying we should not get that kind of education,<br> but why is academic education deemed the most important. For one it does prepare us to go out into the world and work,<br> to continue competing with others to be approved and accepted by yet more institutions. But is this not just following the herd. Where is the embracing of who we are,<br> all I see is embracing the society that has been created around us,<br> a society where we strive for acceptance. And all for what,<br> so that we can live comfortably,<br> securely. But are we really living then,<br> or are we merely surviving.\n\n>It is so important to ask yourself,<br> what exactly it is that you want from life,<br> to not let others project their thoughts or ideas onto you. This really needs to come from you and only you,<br> and this may take some time. Because over the years,<br> we have been pushing these desires aside,<br> burying them deep,<br> because on some level we have come to believe that we do not deserve this. That we need to work hard in order to be successful,<br> in order to fit in and be approved. \n\n<b>For some the mere thought of spending time alone with themselves is frightening,<br> that somehow being alone is seen as a failure. I know that I have heard some people talk about those loners as if it is a negative thing. I for one like to spend time by myself and if I do not get that time,<br> I crave it. Time to sit in silence,<br> to sit with myself,<br> to check in with myself,<br> to really connect with my own feelings and my personal growth. This is a lot harder to achieve when we are surrounded by other people all of the time. Yet it is vital if you are to understand who you are and to allow yourself to become the person you are meant to be.<\/b> \n\n>And yet who you are meant to be,<br> changes as well because we are meant to keep reinventing ourselves. We are constantly growing and changing,<br> everything in life is. We can choose to be stagnant,<br> to follow the same path day in,<br> day out or we can embrace who we are,<br> beings who are shifting and evolving all the time. \n\n<center><h4>There is no singular path in life,<br> there are many and it is up to each and every one of us to decide whether we branch out and explore or whether we always return to the same one. That well worn one that brings great comfort and security. I for one,<br> like to take risks,<br> to jump into the unknown,<br> to allow myself to guide my way. Because of this I can honestly say that I am happy with who I have become. <\/h4><\/center>\n\n <center>![ (https:\/\/cdn.steemitimages.com\/DQmanxHRTuyttSSTh8vt3XMQHxQVSsHMQM73TNNdKgw5dnL\/image.png)<\/center>\n\n<center>https:\/\/media.discordapp.net\/attachments\/512788267553259561\/513240381618389012\/coop-vendor-badge.png?width=333&height=465<\/center>\n<center>![ (https:\/\/cdn.steemitimages.com\/DQmRExN6gjVTjvEzYe87siNEb4paDyNmie9pFXygBDLuR4P\/image.png)\n\n<h1><center><a href=\"https:\/\/steemit.com\/tribesteemup\/@kennyskitchen\/the-8-pillars-of-tribesteemup-clarification-refinement-and-re-casting-the-spell\">8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp<\/a><\/center><\/h1>\n\n<center>![ (https:\/\/cdn.steemitimages.com\/DQmPwgdZFjHRUjDRLRjba9ZqgWseYKyXC75PoJYeV6zRQ8o\/image.png)<\/center>\n\n\n<center>![ (https:\/\/cdn.steemitimages.com\/DQmcFKQNwNEdFUDBYdyYBNTwRZr8XAk4PZPPrzVux8xfKUw\/image.png)\n\n<center>![ (https:\/\/cdn.steemitimages.com\/DQmUtdh2rEHJuMnL4aij8BqaEqUoDn7YtnLQGvov2rGuRU1\/image.png)<\/center>\n<center>![DESERT ADVENTURE.png (https:\/\/cdn.steemitimages.com\/DQmWkbJmSEWx3befz8JEEg9JXgfVmhsM6KqbzNZejqQQjKg\/DESERT%20ADVENTURE.png)<\/center>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\":\"steempeak\/1.9.8\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\",<br>\"tags\":[\"ecotrain\",<br>\"tribevibes\",<br>\"selfempowerment\",<br>\"life\",<br>\"love\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"kennyskitchen\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/asi.cpp.edu\/campuscrop\/?p=13523\",<br>\"https:\/\/www.pinterest.es\/pin\/250090585543728600\/?lp=true\",<br>\"\/tribesteemup\/@kennyskitchen\/the-8-pillars-of-tribesteemup-clarification-refinement-and-re-casting-the-spell\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/files.steempeak.com\/file\/steempeak\/trucklife-family\/CuePDVzp-image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/files.steempeak.com\/file\/steempeak\/trucklife-family\/O2tURoTI-image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/cdn.steemitimages.com\/DQmanxHRTuyttSSTh8vt3XMQHxQVSsHMQM73TNNdKgw5dnL\/image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/media.discordapp.net\/attachments\/512788267553259561\/513240381618389012\/coop-vendor-badge.png?width=333&height=465\",<br>\"https:\/\/cdn.steemitimages.com\/DQmRExN6gjVTjvEzYe87siNEb4paDyNmie9pFXygBDLuR4P\/image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/cdn.steemitimages.com\/DQmPwgdZFjHRUjDRLRjba9ZqgWseYKyXC75PoJYeV6zRQ8o\/image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/cdn.steemitimages.com\/DQmcFKQNwNEdFUDBYdyYBNTwRZr8XAk4PZPPrzVux8xfKUw\/image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/cdn.steemitimages.com\/DQmUtdh2rEHJuMnL4aij8BqaEqUoDn7YtnLQGvov2rGuRU1\/image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/cdn.steemitimages.com\/DQmWkbJmSEWx3befz8JEEg9JXgfVmhsM6KqbzNZejqQQjKg\/DESERT%20ADVENTURE.png\" " |