Transaction: 7b22550da281b045883e72f0fd5ad8f06b3b7d9b

Included in block 31,776,627 at 2019/04/05 10:21:27 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 7b22550da281b045883e72f0fd5ad8f06b3b7d9b
ref_block_num 57,184
ref_block_prefix 3,631,279,146
transaction_num 0
signatures 1f3e67c9d6da7eb6aeba621aef74532fbb72b0b6ad0d1b7c900f87992a00c195773d6012105aa2616956e4f0f2cfceb66d033dd133011fead6cea486addb208a81
"parent_author":"mobi72",<br>"parent_permlink":"pk5cxhfmq",<br>"author":"milaan",<br>"permlink":"fknt7vubq",<br>"title":"Question answered on",<br>"body":"<a href=\"https:\/\/\/q\/mobi72\/what-does-scalability-mean-in-cryptocurrency-systems\">View this answer on<\/a>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\":\"musing\/1.1\",<br>\"appTags\":[\"cryptocurrency\",<br>\"scalability\",<br>\"transactions\",<br>\"limitations\" ,<br>\"appCategory\":\"cryptocurrency\",<br>\"appTitle\":\"What does scalability mean in cryptocurrency systems?\",<br>\"appBody\":\"<p>Scalability is to be understood as the transaction throughput of a blockchain. This is &nbsp;also attributed technically as the transactions per second(TPS). Bitcoin is being able to deliver 7 transactions per second,<br> Etherum is with 20 transactions per second. Both are PoW consensus blockchains and this is setback for PoW blockchains that its transaction throughput capacity is low but it keeps the decentralization aspect intact. But with recent second layer solutions the transactions throughput has really improved especially in Etherum and it is working extensively on second layer solution to enhance more scalability,<br> because in future generation blockchain to become more mainstream,<br> scalability is essential,<br> otherwise enterprise or business level implementation is going to be tough.<\/p>\\n<p>On the other hand you see EOS,<br> STEEM,<br> these are highly scalable blockchaisn and these rely with DPoS consensus. EOS is getting more popularity and being attributed as the perfect environment for dApps &nbsp;and the EOS ecosystem is really gaining more traction since early 2018.&nbsp;<\/p>\\n<p>The scalable blockchain is main focus for almost all new blockchain projects because everyone understand that without scalability,<br> blockchain industry is not going to be mainstream and it can not match with the centralized services where the latency is quite low. So it may so happen that people and the businesses may choose those services first which is scalable enough regardless of whether it is centralized or decentralized. Further without scalability you can not ensure better performance of dApps. You must have heard about the fiasco of cryptokitties and that was a real example of how badly we need scalable blockchain where the dApps can perform optimally and we can ensure that blockchain technology can deliver its service where the things will be scalable yet will be decentralized.<\/p>\\n<p>So the enterprises,<br> businesses and the individuals every one is looking for scalable blockchains and scalability is key and that was the major issue in my opinion and that was the reason to why crypto industry could not become more mainstream even after 10 years,<br> but with new blockchain projects particularly focusing on scalability which can really deliver more scalable blockchains,<br> we are stepping towards mass adoption and blockchain is going to be more mainstream.<\/p>\",<br>\"appDepth\":2,<br>\"appParentPermlink\":\"pk5cxhfmq\",<br>\"appParentAuthor\":\"mobi72\",<br>\"musingAppId\":\"aU2p3C3a8N\",<br>\"musingAppVersion\":\"1.1\",<br>\"musingPostType\":\"answer\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.