Transaction: 7ab8d6a37c796f36d81d96cd2209eb28b17d38c9

Included in block 12,898,133 at 2017/06/17 11:13:36 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 7ab8d6a37c796f36d81d96cd2209eb28b17d38c9
ref_block_num 53,072
ref_block_prefix 2,041,883,435
transaction_num 0
signatures 20244d06cea3f820869f758c0a824c9a9a98777ea82bb6a0bea6674f3940ac78e24cbfb7ae9536957da48783f26f3a57e226c2c76ab13d2e617ff1757c6af8f31a
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"dating",<br>"author":"mkhan6131",<br>"permlink":"what-to-wear-on-a-first-date-and-why-it-really-matters",<br>"title":"What to Wear on a First Date,<br> and Why It Really Matters",<br>"body":"![What to Wear on a First Date,<br> and Why It Really Matters 5.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmcv6qTCLg93sTuVbV2hyUjtDCoFY56Q7WhJ4BvAJS6TqZ\/What%20to%20Wear%20on%20a%20First%20Date%2C%20and%20Why%20It%20Really%20Matters%205.jpg)\nFor most of us,<br> coming up with what to wear on a first date is pretty second nature. Sure,<br> we may go through a couple wardrobe changes before deciding on a final ensemble,<br> but a clean shirt,<br> a non-wrinkled dress and a nice pair of shoes all seem like obvious decisions for a first date outfit\u2014but should we be more strategic in our choices? Um,<br> probably. As it turns out,<br> what to wear on a first date actually matters a whole lot more than any of us were aware of.\n\nIf the person you\u2019re seeing hasn\u2019t talked to you yet,<br> and is just looking at your photos on a dating profile or from across the room,<br> they use clothing to determine if they might like you and if you might get along.\n![What to Wear on a First Date,<br> and Why It Really Matters 6.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmU64v7r4GUNdkwSW9t8WhbMGrHpTZH6TKCqzo7mLvmW4T\/What%20to%20Wear%20on%20a%20First%20Date%2C%20and%20Why%20It%20Really%20Matters%206.jpg)\n\nSo for people who don\u2019t follow fashion closely,<br> will their date\u2019s clothing have an effect? Another thing that we\u2019ve learned in studying this is that one of the ways to instantly make yourself more attractive and more presentable to other people is your clothing. It\u2019s not so much what label or what trend,<br> but that they fit well,<br> and what state your clothes are in. People look more confident and more put together in clothes that fit them.That seems self-explanatory and obvious,<br> but there are some people who just don\u2019t put any thought into what they wear on first dates.Why do you think the fit and appearance of clothing is so impactful? These are the changeable parts of your appearance\u2014you can\u2019t easily change your body shape,<br> but your clothing choice is something you can definitely alter. Personal style is branding: What you wear does determine the type of person that you\u2019re going to attract.\n![What to Wear on a First Date,<br> and Why It Really Matters 1.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmU4VycMacfNuq2LAFy8qqhnAWeyCpUPPdrTW3C3LaBeHi\/What%20to%20Wear%20on%20a%20First%20Date%2C%20and%20Why%20It%20Really%20Matters%201.jpg)\n\nIf you naturally have sort of a hipster-y Williamsburg style,<br> and you wear Lily Pulitzer on a date,<br> it\u2019s not going to attract the kind of person you want. And this is a little obvious,<br> but the other thing clothing really affects is how you present yourself and how you feel. It\u2019s not about the actual piece of clothing,<br> but about how confident you feel and how you carry yourself in something that you feel special in and proud of.\n![What to Wear on a First Date,<br> and Why It Really Matters 7.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmb3TYMQujuDybVg9WUy1D95FX2a81QsqYq4VqmZqMJMSD\/What%20to%20Wear%20on%20a%20First%20Date%2C%20and%20Why%20It%20Really%20Matters%207.jpg)\nWhat are some of the most common mistakes you\u2019ve seen people make when choosing their dating attire? Something that often comes up is high heels. Women either totally love heels and may never be seen without them,<br> or they hate them and never wear them. Sometimes they wear flats on the first date because they\u2019re worried about being taller than their date,<br> but it\u2019s really just about how awesome you feel. It\u2019s not like your date is going to grow if you keep dating them,<br> so just wear your heels! If you do wear them,<br> though,<br> make sure it\u2019s not an active date. Make sure you know what you\u2019re doing ahead of time.\n![What to Wear on a First Date,<br> and Why It Really Matters 3.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmPnQedLSDxMinyrgV7dh8PKZXdLhqe18kKXR15R6BfgHL\/What%20to%20Wear%20on%20a%20First%20Date%2C%20and%20Why%20It%20Really%20Matters%203.jpg)\nAny other words of wisdom when choosing an outfit? Try to dress to match the occasion: more formal for an evening date,<br> but if it\u2019s a daytime date,<br> keep it casual.And what are some things ladies generally like? If you\u2019re trying to date a more fashion-conscious woman\u2014most women in metropolitan areas tend to be a little bit more fashion-conscious\u2014shoes are big. Don\u2019t go with dad jeans. Also,<br> I\u2019ve never really been much of a fan of the short-sleeved button down.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"dating\",<br>\"fashion\",<br>\"love\",<br>\"life\",<br>\"sex\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmcv6qTCLg93sTuVbV2hyUjtDCoFY56Q7WhJ4BvAJS6TqZ\/What%20to%20Wear%20on%20a%20First%20Date%2C%20and%20Why%20It%20Really%20Matters%205.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmU64v7r4GUNdkwSW9t8WhbMGrHpTZH6TKCqzo7mLvmW4T\/What%20to%20Wear%20on%20a%20First%20Date%2C%20and%20Why%20It%20Really%20Matters%206.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmU4VycMacfNuq2LAFy8qqhnAWeyCpUPPdrTW3C3LaBeHi\/What%20to%20Wear%20on%20a%20First%20Date%2C%20and%20Why%20It%20Really%20Matters%201.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmb3TYMQujuDybVg9WUy1D95FX2a81QsqYq4VqmZqMJMSD\/What%20to%20Wear%20on%20a%20First%20Date%2C%20and%20Why%20It%20Really%20Matters%207.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmPnQedLSDxMinyrgV7dh8PKZXdLhqe18kKXR15R6BfgHL\/What%20to%20Wear%20on%20a%20First%20Date%2C%20and%20Why%20It%20Really%20Matters%203.jpg\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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