Transaction: 76ab9f50f8ed0b307334f282c457747956634e28

Included in block 75,863,140 at 2023/06/27 03:48:09 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 76ab9f50f8ed0b307334f282c457747956634e28
ref_block_num 37,968
ref_block_prefix 2,478,052,761
transaction_num 6
signatures 2003bcd9699e667cc7199e746aa3fb4cb6b76c3ee730a029bfaf0461d8f8552bfd2dda21c55cc12f830796f9b6f2af7acf57f9f581e4d495310d8aa8157f103c5d
"parent_author":"realworld23",<br>"parent_permlink":"steem-engagement-challenge-s10-w4-or-do-you-think-advanced-technology-somehow-hampers-our-natural-thought-process",<br>"author":"sampabiswas",<br>"permlink":"rww7w5",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"<div class =\"text-justify\"> \n\n**Hello,<br>** \n @realworld23,<br> \n \n**Our team would like to appreciate you for abiding part in the community engagement challenge season-10\/w4; \nwhich is enduring in the Incredible India Community.** \n \n**Evaluation Process**| \n|-| \n \n<b><center><div class=\"phishy\">Description<\/div><\/center><\/b> |<b><center><div class=\"phishy\">Judgement<\/div><\/center><\/b> |<b><center><div class=\"phishy\">Scores<\/div><\/center><\/b> \n| --- | --- | --- \n| **Verified User**|<center>\u2705<\/center>| 1\/1 \n| **# club100**|<center>\u2705<\/center>|2\/ 2 \n| **# SteemExclusive** |<center>\u2705<\/center>| 1\/1 \n| **Plagiarism Free** |<center>\u2705<\/center>| 1\/1 \n| **Bot Free** |<center>\u2705<\/center>| 1\/1 \n| **Use of Markdown** |<center>\u2705<\/center>| 1\/1 \n|**GPT**|<center>\u2705<\/center>|1\/1 \n|**Post Quality** |<center>\u2705<\/center>| 1.8\/2 \n|**Total Score**|<center>:-<\/center>|**9.8\/10** \n \n \n| **Period** | March 27,<br> 2023,<br> to June 27,<br> 2023 \n|-|- \n| **Transfer to Vesting** | <b>265.374 STEEM<\/b> \n| **Cash Out** | <b><div class =\"phishy\"> 0 STEEM<\/div><\/b> \n| **Voting CSI** | <b>5.5%<\/b> \n| **#burnsteem25** | \u2705\n \n\nFeedback | \n|-| \n\n* First of all,<br> I would like to welcome you to our community. Thanks for participating in our ongoing Community Engagement Challenge. I really enjoyed reading your entire article.\n\n > watching things that are not worth watching and children who are already addicted to cell phones so that children no longer want to study anymore,<br>\n\n* You are absolutely right. Kids these days are more addicted to mobiles and games. That's why most of the time they prefer to watch their favorite things on mobile instead of studying. And because of this,<br> advanced technology is more harmful to children. Thank you very much for sharing your opinion so nicely with all of us. \n\n* The overall presentation of your content is good,<br> and you have suitably used the markdowns. I wish you the best of luck with the challenge. \n \n \n<center>![4IJbBnRVy9Iq78L7aK.gif (https:\/\/\/DQmcL4VWa87DbXAPYosCnEFcbt4zb4yyndMqysPn5c3L6yu\/4IJbBnRVy9Iq78L7aK.gif)<\/center>| \n|-| \n \n \n \n<\/div>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"burnsteem25\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"realworld23\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmcL4VWa87DbXAPYosCnEFcbt4zb4yyndMqysPn5c3L6yu\/4IJbBnRVy9Iq78L7aK.gif\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.