Transaction: 75731bf41948aa2b88f52ccfe4fe3698bd83eb3c

Included in block 35,177,807 at 2019/08/01 17:11:48 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 75731bf41948aa2b88f52ccfe4fe3698bd83eb3c
ref_block_num 50,487
ref_block_prefix 918,158,348
transaction_num 15
signatures 20612439b033831d4e47c27db7f4b5bcc4b320bfe880c9bcf576955ce129fef4206838530ad9deb23ca3a02c218d370f59bcac4ff029bba23c3771813308dc0d76
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"steemleo",<br>"author":"schubes",<br>"permlink":"trying-to-understand-modern-monetary-theory",<br>"title":"Trying to Understand Modern Monetary Theory",<br>"body":"Today I decided to try and understand MMT. I've heard of it before,<br> but never really looked into it in detail. Even though I didn't think I would agree with the theory I tried to be open to it. One day is definitely not enough to fully understand it,<br> but I want to make this post so that I can get some feedback on what I've understood so far and hear some of your opinions. \n\n![image.png (https:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/schubes\/xNVBXa9d-image.png)\n\nMMT proposes that a country that is the sole controller over their monetary supply,<br> like the United States,<br> can never default on their debt because they can manipulate other things to prevent that from happening. \n\nTo me,<br> MMT makes the system seem inflexible. For MMT to work,<br> debt needs to be low so interest rates will not be able to rise up again. In fact MMT would prefer the interest rate to be 0 permanently. It proposes that treasury bills are not even needed and the government should just print the money. \n\nAlthough I am struggling to grasp how this could work I do have to look at Japan. Japan currently has a debt to gdp ratio of over 200%. Somehow Japan is still staying afloat with negative interest ratio. However many people would say that inflation should be increasing,<br> but in Japan the inflation rate is only around 0.8% and the central bank has been trying to get it to 2%. Overall,<br> what a weird situation. I wonder what Japanese investors think of all of this. \n\nI don't know if I would call Japan a success story. Reading about MMT does make me believe that things could be prolonged much longer than expected in the United States. MMT seems like long-term it will limit options and may be the path to the end. The government can keep interest rates at 0% and force people to invest instead of save of their money and lose 2% each year to interest. This artificially keeps stock prices high. Then since there would be no option as people earned more they would continue putting money in so that deep recessions could be avoided? Because there isn't much leverage with 0% except printing more money(which they are for). Yes the printed money can generate more tax dollars and future profits,<br> but I can't wrap my head around how it would work long-term. It seems like a bit of a gamble that requires continued growth. Whether or not we can expect continuous growth is another topic. It also seems like MMT works in a system were people are bad with their money and the printed money is spent. As a whole MMT appears to me a solution that tries to embrace a broken system.\n\nWhat are your thoughts on MMT? Do you struggle to understand how it is going to work long-term? This upcoming recession will be a real test to see if these concepts have any validity. If you are pro MMT I would be even more interested to hear your perspective so please do not be afraid to share.\n\n<center>Follow me on other platforms:\n______________________\nTwitter: https:\/\/\/TheRealSchubes\nYoutube: https:\/\/\/channel\/UC_OP...\n_____________________\nSupport the blog by using one of the affiliate links:\n______________________________________\n<center>[Try the Brave Browser (less ads & privacy) (https:\/\/\/sch790)<\/center>\n<center>[Get a Free Stock to Start Investing with Robinhood! (https:\/\/\/emils55) <\/center>\n\n______________________________________________\n<center>Thanks for watching! <\/center>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\":\"steempeak\/1.14.12\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\",<br>\"tags\":[\"steemleo\",<br>\"investing\",<br>\"palnet\",<br>\"neoxian\",<br>\"marlians\",<br>\"zzan\",<br>\"money\",<br>\"economy\",<br>\"int\",<br>\"discussion\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/TheRealSchubes\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/channel\/UC_OP\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/sch790\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/emils55\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/file\/steempeak\/schubes\/xNVBXa9d-image.png\" "
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