Transaction: 6f6b273ef398148dcc7c39e00df73124ab36e553

Included in block 20,699,594 at 2018/03/15 14:53:27 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 6f6b273ef398148dcc7c39e00df73124ab36e553
ref_block_num 55,725
ref_block_prefix 1,643,399,139
transaction_num 29
signatures 2036727a8c86b258ebea56d3de28f5984091ffa2c274d98d39355dd0a648092ae62fa3da6922397b20264defcf05291f12df56577e50b39f9698312210c1773fef
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"photography",<br>"author":"yassir1",<br>"permlink":"bunga-yang-sering-dan-cocok-dijadikan-hiasan-rumah-flowers-are-often-and-suitable-to-be-a-home-decoration-dd94fa4088689",<br>"title":"Bunga yang sering dan cocok dijadikan hiasan rumah-Flowers are often and suitable to be a home decoration.",<br>"body":"Selamat siang sahabat Steemit. Posting dengan kali ini yaitu tentang bunga yang cantik dan sering banget dijadikan hiasan dalam rumah maupun diluar rumah. \n\nSahabat Steemit pasti suka juga kan dengan bunga,<br> apa lagi bunga hias yang seperti ini cerah,<br> cantik dan indah sehingga tamu-tamu pun ikut menghiasi matanya.\n\n ![image (https:\/\/\/uuhdwh7jev.jpg)\n\nBunga ini biasanya terdapat diberbagai kalangan rumah,<br> bunga ini juga biasanya sering ada di jual di tempat-tempat seperti toko,<br> rumah bunga,<br> taman bunga,<br> dan masih banyak tempat lain juga.\n\nSemoga bermanfaat sahabat Steemit.\n\n>Good afternoon friend Steemit. Post with this time is about the beautiful flowers and often really used as decoration in the home and outside the home.\n\n>Steemit friends would like also with flowers,<br> what else this ornamental flower is bright,<br> beautiful and beautiful so that guests also come to adorn her eyes.\n\n>This flower is usually found in various circles of the house,<br> this flower is also usually often sold in places such as shops,<br> flower houses,<br> flower gardens,<br> and many other places as well.\n\n>Hopefully useful friend Steemit.\n\n# @yassir1",<br>"json_metadata":" \"links\":[ ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/uuhdwh7jev.jpg\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"yassir1\" ,<br>\"tags\":[\"photography\",<br>\"esteem\",<br>\"flower\" ,<br>\"app\":\"esteem\/1.5.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown+html\",<br>\"community\":\"esteem\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.