Transaction: 6f5c0534a451a6508065ca3e3059ace24bdf9b94

Included in block 14,734,933 at 2017/08/20 08:36:36 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 6f5c0534a451a6508065ca3e3059ace24bdf9b94
ref_block_num 54,864
ref_block_prefix 8,799,957
transaction_num 1
signatures 203e39136983ef98f95d0d98589edab223b0666a3056411299e4c97c573e1130595f0c6d054274b319ca026a1af55e054d081063c3fbece4ef389f4f15c72f2c6a
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"starwars",<br>"author":"tomasso79",<br>"permlink":"obi-wan-kenobi-street-in-northern-poland-ulica-obi-wana-kenobiego-w-polsce-polnocnej",<br>"title":"Obi Wan Kenobi Street in Northern Poland \/ Ulica Obi Wana Kenobiego w Polsce P\u00f3\u0142nocnej.",<br>"body":"Hi fellow Steemians!\n\nEspecially Star Wars fans out there - have a nice day! By accident,<br> when I visited a small village Grabowiec in the area around Toru\u0144 (city of Nicolaus Copernicus) I came acros this street,<br> which made my Star Wars' fan's heart beat a little bit harder. \n\nCze\u015b\u0107 Steemianie!\n\nSzczeg\u00f3lnie Ci spo\u015br\u00f3d Was,<br> kt\u00f3rzy s\u0105 fanami Gwiezdnych Wojen - \u017cycz\u0119 udanego dnia! Przypadkowo,<br> gdy odwiedza\u0142em ma\u0142\u0105 wiosk\u0119 Grabowiec w okolicach Torunia,<br> natkn\u0105\u0142em si\u0119 na t\u0119 ulic\u0119,<br> co spowodowa\u0142o,<br> \u017ce moje serce,<br> jako fana Gwiezdnych Wojen zabi\u0142o nieco szybciej.\n\n![IMG_20170817_182305.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmVJiQ37ni6CBVtf7jozNV4A5tpYw6CTVs6zDa9Rfv8LnH\/IMG_20170817_182305.jpg)\n\nSo I asked a friend,<br> who lives in the same village,<br> about how did they come up with the name of this street this unusual for a small village in Poland. He said this was an idea of one of the locals,<br> Mr. Rafa\u0142 Fr\u0105ckiewicz,<br> who lives on this street,<br> is a Star Wars fan himself and he managed for this new street's name to get accepted by the local borough with really big support. \nIn support of this motion,<br> he stated,<br> that Obi-Wan deserves a street being named after him,<br> because of his \"Mental stability,<br> wisdom,<br> his life experience and his faithfulness to the ideals of the Jedi\". I am sure this has been more than enough to convince every decent council ;)\n\nZapyta\u0142em wi\u0119c przyjaciela,<br> kt\u00f3ry mieszka w pobli\u017cu o to,<br> jaka historia kryje si\u0119 za nadaniem tej ulicy tak nietypowego jak na polsk\u0105 wie\u015b imienia. Odpar\u0142,<br> \u017ce by\u0142 to pomys\u0142 jednego z mieszka\u0144c\u00f3w i radnego,<br> Pana Rafa\u0142a Fr\u0105ckiewicza,<br> kt\u00f3ry mieszka na tej ulicy,<br> jest fanem Gwiezdnych Wojen i uda\u0142o mu si\u0119 zdoby\u0107 akceptacj\u0119 dla nowej nazwy ulicy przez rad\u0119 gminy z naprawd\u0119 wielkim poparciem. W uzasadnieniu swojego wniosku stwierdzi\u0142,<br> \u017ce Obi-Wan zas\u0142uguje na nadanie ulicy jego imienia,<br> jako \u017ce wykazywa\u0142 \"Stateczno\u015b\u0107 i m\u0105dro\u015b\u0107 oraz do\u015bwiadczenie \u017cyciowe,<br> a tak\u017ce wierno\u015b\u0107 idea\u0142om Jedi\". Jestem pewien,<br> \u017ce by\u0142o to wi\u0119cej ni\u017c do\u015b\u0107,<br> aby przekona\u0107 ka\u017cd\u0105 porz\u0105dn\u0105 rad\u0119 gminy ;)\n\n![Kenobi.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmaxU7tNEE8dyJej9wSsL8nMH28SQWcX7n9wq1VsEkzo73\/Kenobi.jpg)\n\nThe locals complain a little about the fact,<br> the police never believe them,<br> when they say they live on The Obi-Wan Kenobi Street and sometimes get angry,<br> beacause they think somebody is making a stupid joke. A small price to pay for living on a street with a name this cool if you'd ask me. Obi Wan Kenobi is my favourite hero of the Start Wars saga. \n\nMiejscowi troch\u0119 narzekaj\u0105 na fakt,<br> \u017ce policja nigdy im nie wierzy,<br> gdy m\u00f3wi\u0105 \u017ce mieszkaj\u0105 na ulicy Obi-Wana Kenobiego i czasami si\u0119 denerwuje,<br> bo my\u015bl\u0105,<br> \u017ce kto\u015b robi sobie g\u0142upi \u017cart. Jak dla mnie to bardzo ma\u0142a cena za mieszkanie na ulicy z tak \u015bwietn\u0105 nazw\u0105. Obi-Wan Kenobi jest moim ulubionym bohaterem sagi Gwiezdnych Wojen.\n\n![IMG_20170817_182319.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmeJm4WJp3WAww759XAnmmatDTgE2GZzs7Lo6bFV7THNtH\/IMG_20170817_182319.jpg)\n\nBy the way,<br> I am already waiting for the stand-alone Star Wars movie about Obi-Wan,<br> that has been announced recently. Below - as a bonus - a fan made poster for this movie,<br> which is not even in pre-production. Spaghetti Western style! May the force be with you!\n\nSwoj\u0105 drog\u0105,<br> ju\u017c czekam na osobny film o Obi-Wanie,<br> kt\u00f3ry niedawno zosta\u0142 zapowiedziany. Poni\u017cej - jako ma\u0142y bonus - fanowski plakat do tego filmu,<br> kt\u00f3ry p\u00f3ki co nie jest nawet w pre-produkcji. W stylu spaghetti westernu! Niech moc b\u0119dzie z Wami!\n\n![kenobi poster.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmbJ1Rvjmsre8ZkvQVNekgFCvG3WHeiCEZeqf1XeazNX5o\/kenobi%20poster.jpg)",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"starwars\",<br>\"obiwan\",<br>\"poland\",<br>\"polish\",<br>\"travel\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmVJiQ37ni6CBVtf7jozNV4A5tpYw6CTVs6zDa9Rfv8LnH\/IMG_20170817_182305.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmaxU7tNEE8dyJej9wSsL8nMH28SQWcX7n9wq1VsEkzo73\/Kenobi.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmeJm4WJp3WAww759XAnmmatDTgE2GZzs7Lo6bFV7THNtH\/IMG_20170817_182319.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmbJ1Rvjmsre8ZkvQVNekgFCvG3WHeiCEZeqf1XeazNX5o\/kenobi%20poster.jpg\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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