Transaction: 6d1a6c8c90ef64d1bce064e52b248ee0cb5f3c79

Included in block 15,729,321 at 2017/09/23 21:39:24 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 6d1a6c8c90ef64d1bce064e52b248ee0cb5f3c79
ref_block_num 677
ref_block_prefix 1,212,906,072
transaction_num 14
signatures 206dcd538552145134c34dda2bdb18cd2b3db994e74c51644738200531a835a850325da36cec8df1404cb6cb85f18104b1e7c599fde9d977267e01cf0a046027e3
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"steemit",<br>"author":"drdave",<br>"permlink":"hell-i-cant-seem-to-give-money-away-on-steemit-what-gives",<br>"title":"Hell ,<br> I cant seem to give money away on steemit... What gives...",<br>"body":"<html>\n<p>I posted a little incentive in the Promotion page on,<br> hoping to get a little traction for my blog. I put in a lot of work on one specific post and was hoping more than a few people read it.<\/p>\n<p>And I got NOTHING..!!<\/p>\n<p>I made the offer that I would give .1 STEEM to the first ten people to actually read that specific post,<br> regressing down to .05 STEEM for the next ten,<br> then .01,<br> and so on.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>Heres the actual post from today...<\/p>\n<p>drdave 2:51 PM I gave this a shot yesterday without much success - figured I would try one more time today... I put a ton of work into this post and it would be great if at least a few people actually read it... I am offering .1 STEEM to the first 10 people who read and comment on this post - you can upvote if you want but its the \"readers\" and comments i'm most interested in - the upvotes will come once people know me... Thanks in advance... https:\/\/\/politics\/@drdave\/what-will-a-mike-pence-presidency-look-like-a-detailed-look-at-the-possible-future-president-of-the-united-states<\/p>\n<blockquote><a href=\"https:\/\/\/politics\/@drdave\/what-will-a-mike-pence-presidency-look-like-a-detailed-look-at-the-possible-future-president-of-the-united-states\"><strong>What Will A Mike Pence Presidency Look Like.? A Detailed Look At The (Possible) Future President Of The United States... \u2014 Steemit<\/strong><\/a>With all the turmoil presently engulfing the Donald Trump white house and the very real potential for the House of\u2026 by drdave<\/blockquote>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p>I pretty much made the same offer yesterday,<br> with the same results. Nothing...<\/p>\n<p>I am sticking with the assumption that I made above - I dont care too much about the upvotes right now,<br> I think once people get to know me,<br> it will happen on its own. Its the comments and resteems im looking for.<\/p>\n<p>Regardless if you agree with me or not,<br> I would like to know what you think - about the topics,<br> my take on them,<br> your opinion of my opinion,<br> and whatever other feedback I can get... Leave me a comment and tell me how bad I suck if you want,<br> I will know someone opened the post at least... Unfortunately I cant seem to get in front of anybody to even \"pitch my crap\" at.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>If this continues,<br> Steemit is going to force me to do something drastic - I announce here and now,<br> if I dont get some traction going soon,<br> I am going to record myself naked in every position of the Kama Sutra,<br> and post it for everyone to see... __And No One Wants To Have That Image In Their Head__ __Im Talkin Scarred For Life__&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<\/html>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"steemit\",<br>\"blog\",<br>\"writing\",<br>\"story\",<br>\"drdave\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/politics\/@drdave\/what-will-a-mike-pence-presidency-look-like-a-detailed-look-at-the-possible-future-president-of-the-united-states\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"html\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.