Transaction: 66f782d2afcba48f6ad34125104e1db5bc1c5dc4

Included in block 84,329,099 at 2024/04/18 04:30:06 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id 66f782d2afcba48f6ad34125104e1db5bc1c5dc4
ref_block_num 49,779
ref_block_prefix 2,915,442,730
transaction_num 2
signatures 200b1559bdae0f7447bbb41d1e88ce71a697769fa0de44f7a237e7ab4bc203d72938def21d9218d0b191f3a0aa5fed44c1634bf583e01b004ffa140e6200ebd5e4
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-119463",<br>"author":"clarvin",<br>"permlink":"cactus-2",<br>"title":"Cactus 2",<br>"body":"![7cb-1f74-bf18-019c55f1e551.png (https:\/\/\/DQmYrZkTGvbSQzHjXDNzpnEUdwMkNX7Tw7Ve2GdbNghKgWs\/7cb-1f74-bf18-019c55f1e551.png)\n\nEarn (BSC) tokens by training your AI \nCan you relate by Martin\nGenerate your own cool AI avatar and earn by following this link below.\n\nhttps:\/\/\/kpKC\n\nOkay so today I'm grateful for waking up healthy able to try something new and over some time I have managed to retain some knowledge based on my circumstances and how to overcome some instances which are not too favorable.\n\nI understand some of you may not be religious like come to you with a power of the most high as I read this scripture in the New testament it says when you come and make your offering make sure you have forgiven your brother make sure you go back go and make it right with your brother then come back and make your offering so even though things may not go my way I still keep and optimistic mind things will get better I will reach the from his land and I will be happy. \n\nHave a blessed day God's name may he protect you and guide you through your ways.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"worldofxpilar\",<br>\"steemschools\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmYrZkTGvbSQzHjXDNzpnEUdwMkNX7Tw7Ve2GdbNghKgWs\/7cb-1f74-bf18-019c55f1e551.png\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/kpKC\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.